CyclopsMC / IntegratedTunnels

Transfer other energy, items and fluids over Integrated Dynamics networks
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Can't extract energy from Flux Point #237

Closed Wlnfr closed 2 years ago

Wlnfr commented 2 years ago

Issue type:

Short description:

New energy networks(any combination of interfaces, importers and exporters) stopped working with Flux Point from Flux Networks. It just doesn't pull any energy from it regardless of how I try. It did work some time in the past since I still have the working network in my world

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Create a new world
  2. Place any source of FE
  3. Connect it to Flux Plug and create a Flux Network
  4. Place a Flux Point and connect it to created Flux Network
  5. Place an energy interface on Flux point
  6. Place a battery from Integrated Dynamics(or any FE acceptor)
  7. Place an energy exporter on a battery, connect it to energy interface and add a variable card for it to become active

Expected behaviour:

Battery starts filling up


Screenshots: 2021-08-11_18 05 47

This setup for reasons unknown to me worked: 2021-08-11_18 21 40

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting!

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

It did work some time in the past since I still have the working network in my world

What time period are you talking about? Nothing has changed regarding how these parts work for a long time, so I would be surprised this is caused by something on IT's end.

I don't know how this Flux Networks mod works myself, but are you sure that its setup is valid? Can you extract/insert energy from other mods into those Flux Networks? And what happens if you let IT interact with other energy mods?

Wlnfr commented 2 years ago

What time period are you talking about?

World was created at June 17th, I made my flux network maybe within a week or so and it did work correctly at that time.

Nothing has changed regarding how these parts work for a long time, so I would be surprised this is caused by something on IT's end.

I am also a bit confused, since as my testing showed, the issue exists in a barebones Flux Networks and IT(plus its dependencies) modpack, and Flux Networks were last updated April 22th, so it definitely didn't change anything and it doesn't have dependencies either, which leaves us with IT, ID, Common Capabilities, CyclopsCore and Forge(When I started my world I was using 36.1.16 Forge) as suspects. The problem is, I already shuffled through different versions of all these mods and forge but still can't make it work.

I don't know how this Flux Networks mod works myself, but are you sure that its setup is valid? Can you extract/insert energy from other mods into those Flux Networks? And what happens if you let IT interact with other energy mods?

The setup is valid and it can be seen on first screenshot, a small cube with blue corners is connected directly to ID battery(the ones on the left) and filled it up. FN also accepts energy both from IT(first screenshot, big cube with blue outline and three batteries on the right which are full) and other energy mods(I tested Woot's Creative energy source and Thermal Expansion's dynamos) without any problems directly or with IT in-between. FN can also directly output fine to any FE acceptor(ID battery, Woot machines, Thermal Expansion machines), but IT can't extract energy from FN in any way

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

Do you know if the FN extractors have an internal buffer? If not, then that may explain why things are not working as expected.

Could you place a Machine Reader on a FN extractor to see what FE things it exposes?

Wlnfr commented 2 years ago

Ignore post above. I found the problem Both FN an IT have a default energy transfer rate limits IT=1000 FE/t and FN=800000 FE/t. IT doesn't want to pull energy from FN when its(IT's) limit is lower than FN's. the moment I increased IT's limit to be above FN(just by adding three zeros) it immediately started working, it seem I have done that to my original working network in the world and forgot about it. TLDR: Everything will work if IT's energy transfer limit rate =>(equals or more than) FN's energy transfer limit rate

Wlnfr commented 2 years ago

2021-08-12_15 45 10 2021-08-12_15 45 14 2021-08-12_15 45 22 2021-08-12_15 45 26

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

Ah, good to hear the problem is solved.

IT doesn't want to pull energy from FN when its(IT's) limit is lower than FN's.

IT should pull energy "up to the given limit". So if the source contains less than the limit, it should still pull it. Perhaps FN is considering the transfer limit to also be a lower bound?

Wlnfr commented 2 years ago

I have no idea how FN implemented it, but since this seems like FN issue, should I make an issue on its tracker?

Wlnfr commented 2 years ago

Additional info: As it turns out, my original network has default transfer rate(1000 FE/t). same with FN(800000 FE/t) and it still works, but only because on the other side of flux point there is a controller(FE acceptor) from Refined Storage and IT can pull energy from FN as long as controller is there 2021-08-12_16 07 11

rubensworks commented 2 years ago

I have no idea how FN implemented it, but since this seems like FN issue, should I make an issue on its tracker?

Makes sense, thanks!

Closing this one here in the meantime.