Cyfrin / 2023-07-escrow

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Lack of Input Validation - Arbiter Addresses #842

Open codehawks-bot opened 11 months ago

codehawks-bot commented 11 months ago

Lack of Input Validation - Arbiter Addresses


High Risk


lack of validation for whether the arbiter address is the zero address

Vulnerability Details

In the EscrowFactory.newEscrow() and the Escrow.constructor() function, there is a lack of validation for whether the arbiter address is the zero address. Given that the zero address cannot initiate transactions, this could lead to the permanent locking of funds in the escrow contract if either the seller or arbiter is set to the zero address.


The impact can be significant if high-value transactions are involved. If the arbiter addresses is set to the zero address, funds could be permanently locked in the escrow contract.

Tools Used

Manual Review


Ensure that the arbiter addresses provided to the EscrowFactory.newEscrow() and or Escrow.constructor() function are not the zero address.

0kage-eth commented 11 months ago

It is possible to have no arbiter contracts (incases where there is past history between buyers and sellers and they trust each other enough not to assign arbiter). Since seller needs to agree upfront not to have an arbiter, seller will only agree to this if he trusts buyer's creditworthiness.