Cyfrin / 2023-07-foundry-defi-stablecoin

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Due to wrong scaling, the returned-value (price) from the DSCEngine#`getUsdValue()` would be `1e4` times larger than the actual value #1144

Closed codehawks-bot closed 1 year ago

codehawks-bot commented 1 year ago

Due to wrong scaling, the returned-value (price) from the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() would be 1e4 times larger than the actual value


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Due to wrong scaling, the returned-value (price) from the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() would be 1e4 times larger than the actual value.

This lead to that the incremented-value of the totalCollateralValueInUsd would also be 1e4 times larger than the actual value.

Vulnerability Details

Within the DSCEngine, the ADDITIONAL_FEED_PRECISION and the PRECISION would be defined. Then, 1e10 and 1e18 would be stored into there like this:

    uint256 private constant ADDITIONAL_FEED_PRECISION = 1e10;  /// @audit
    uint256 private constant PRECISION = 1e18;  /// @audit

Within the DSCEngine#getAccountCollateralValue(), the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() would be called to increment the totalCollateralValueInUsd like this:

    function getAccountCollateralValue(address user) public view returns (uint256 totalCollateralValueInUsd) {
        // loop through each collateral token, get the amount they have deposited, and map it to
        // the price, to get the USD value
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < s_collateralTokens.length; i++) {
            address token = s_collateralTokens[i];
            uint256 amount = s_collateralDeposited[user][token];
            totalCollateralValueInUsd += getUsdValue(token, amount); /// @audit
        return totalCollateralValueInUsd;

Within the DSCEngine#getUsdValue(), the collateral token price in USD would be returned via the OracleLib#staleCheckLatestRoundData(). And then, it would be calculated and returned as the collateral token price in USD would be returned like this:

    function getUsdValue(address token, uint256 amount) public view returns (uint256) {
        AggregatorV3Interface priceFeed = AggregatorV3Interface(s_priceFeeds[token]);
        (, int256 price,,,) = priceFeed.staleCheckLatestRoundData(); /// @audit 
        // 1 ETH = $1000
        // The returned value from CL will be 1000 * 1e8
        return ((uint256(price) * ADDITIONAL_FEED_PRECISION) * amount) / PRECISION; /// @audit

The OracleLib#staleCheckLatestRoundData(), the answer would be retrieved via the the Chainlink's AggregatorV3Interface#latestRoundData() and it would be returned as the price like this:

    function staleCheckLatestRoundData(AggregatorV3Interface priceFeed)
        returns (uint80, int256, uint256, uint256, uint80)
        (uint80 roundId, int256 answer, uint256 startedAt, uint256 updatedAt, uint80 answeredInRound) =
            priceFeed.latestRoundData(); /// @audit

        uint256 secondsSince = block.timestamp - updatedAt;
        if (secondsSince > TIMEOUT) revert OracleLib__StalePrice();

        return (roundId, answer, startedAt, updatedAt, answeredInRound); /// @audit

According to the NatSpec of the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() (at the line of the DSCEngine.sol#L364-L365), 1000 * 1e8 would be expected as a returned-value when 1 ETH = $1000 like this:

        // 1 ETH = $1000
        // The returned value from CL will be 1000 * 1e8

According to the Chainlink Price Feed, the decimals precision of returned-value (answer) of both ETH/USD and BTC/USD from the Chainlink's AggregatorV3Interface#latestRoundData() would be 1e2 like this:

However, within the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() above, the scaling of returned-value, which is retrieved as the answer from the Chainlink's AggregatorV3Interface#latestRoundData() via the OracleLib#staleCheckLatestRoundData(), would be wrong. Due to the wrong scaling, the returned-value (price) from the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() would be 1e4 times larger than the actual value.

This lead to that the incremented-value of the totalCollateralValueInUsd would also be 1e4 times larger than the actual value.

Here is a scenario:

Scenario). At the line of the DSCEngine.sol#L366 in the DSCEngine#getUsdValue(). If we assume that $WETH would be used as a collateral token and the price of WETH is at $1000/WETH and amount assigned is 1 WETH, the calculation process and result like this:

return ((uint256(price) * ADDITIONAL_FEED_PRECISION) * amount) / PRECISION;
return ((uint256(1000 * 1e2) * 1e10) * (1 * 1e18)) / 1e18;
return ((uint256(1000 * 1e12) * (1 * 1e18)) / 1e18; 
return uint256(1000 * 1e30) / 1e18; 
return uint256(1000 * 1e12); 

As you can see the calculation process and result above, the returned-value is 1000 * 1e12. This returned-value was supposed to be 1000 * 1e8 according to the NatSpec of the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() (at the line of the DSCEngine.sol#L365) above. Based on above, the returned-value from the DSCEngine#getUsdValue() would be 1e4 times larger than the actual value.


This lead to that the incremented-value of the totalCollateralValueInUsd would also be 1e4 times larger than the actual value.

Tools Used


Within the DSCEngine, consider modifying the stored-value of the ADDITIONAL_FEED_PRECISION from 1e10 and 1e14 like this:

+   uint256 private constant ADDITIONAL_FEED_PRECISION = 1e14;
-   uint256 private constant ADDITIONAL_FEED_PRECISION = 1e10;
hans-cyfrin commented 1 year ago


staleCheckLatestRoundData returns in 8 decimals. 2023-08-11_09h53_46

getUsdValue is designed to return in 18 decimals and implemented correctly.