Cyfrin / 2023-08-sparkn

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deployProxyAndDistributeBySignature() can be frontruned #691

Closed codehawks-bot closed 12 months ago

codehawks-bot commented 1 year ago

deployProxyAndDistributeBySignature() can be frontruned


High Risk

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deployProxyAndDistributeBySignature() is susceptible to frontrunning, where an attacker can exploit the transaction by replication the transaction with a higher gas fee.

Vulnerability Details

ProxtFactory.sol is responsible for both creating proxies and invoking them to deliver rewards to the winners. deployProxyAndDistributeBySignature() permits a user to deploy a proxy and sends rewards to the winners on the organizer's behalf, granted they possess the necessary signature. However, if an attacker monitors the mempool and identifies the transaction, they can replicate it with a higher gas fee and alterating the data field for positioning themselves as the sole recipient of rewards causing that their transaction be verfied first stealing the funds.

function deployProxyAndDistributeBySignature(
        address organizer,
        bytes32 contestId,
        address implementation,
        bytes calldata signature,
        bytes calldata data
    ) public returns (address) {
        bytes32 digest = _hashTypedDataV4(keccak256(abi.encode(contestId, data)));
        if (ECDSA.recover(digest, signature) != organizer) revert ProxyFactory__InvalidSignature();
        bytes32 salt = _calculateSalt(organizer, contestId, implementation);
        if (saltToCloseTime[salt] == 0) revert ProxyFactory__ContestIsNotRegistered();
        if (saltToCloseTime[salt] > block.timestamp) revert ProxyFactory__ContestIsNotClosed();
        address proxy = _deployProxy(organizer, contestId, implementation);
        _distribute(proxy, data);
        return proxy;


The rewards of the winners could be stolen.

Tools Used

Manual review.


A solution to this issue could involve the implementation of a mapping that grants explicit approval to certain users for utilizing the organizer's signature.

PatrickAlphaC commented 12 months ago