Cyfrin / foundry-full-course-cu

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Chapter-7 & 14 youtube timestamps added #45

Closed lordshashank closed 12 months ago

lordshashank commented 1 year ago

Added submodule links for chapter 7 and 14. (sorry for wrong commit message, had to force push the correct one, can reject the PR if thats a major problem 😞😞)

lordshashank commented 1 year ago

@PatrickAlphaC , I would be doing these 2 chapters only as of now, had watched your previous course till DAO, and was thinking of building something around DAO in Hackfs hackathon. was aware of foundry somewhat but this course's timing was perfect, so learnt few basics of foundry as well as DAOs from here to build it, would surely look into other sections especially security aspects, etc after hackathon if time permits.

Thus, it would be better to merge with these 2 chapters only if possible, comment if any errors in markdown.

Also, thanks a lot for all this materials, I have been participating and winning hackathons and all I know about solidity is due to your previous videos. Keep up this great work, surely would help in mainstreaming blockchain a lot.

PatrickAlphaC commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this! Can you please fix your auto-formatting? There are too many changes for us to review here.

lordshashank commented 1 year ago

I tried to fix the auto-formatting and also added the latest changes in readme of chapter 6. Is there any other problem?

PatrickAlphaC commented 1 year ago

Yep! Sorry.. could you resolve the conflicts now?

PatrickAlphaC commented 12 months ago

There are a lot of conflicts now... going to close for now feel free to follow up