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heap sort - maybe #159

Open t4sk opened 3 years ago

t4sk commented 3 years ago

Interesting but sorting is never used ....

contract Heap {

    using SafeMath for uint256;

    // The main operations of a priority queue are insert, delMax, & isEmpty.
    constructor() public {
        // Start at 0
        heap = [0];

    // We will be storing our heap in an array
    uint256[] public heap;

    // Inserts adds in a value to our heap.
    function insert(uint256 _value) public {
        // Add the value to the end of our array
        // Start at the end of the array
        uint256 currentIndex = heap.length.sub(1);

        // Bubble up the value until it reaches it's correct place (i.e. it is smaller than it's parent)
        while(currentIndex > 1 && heap[currentIndex.div(2)] < heap[currentIndex]) {

        // If the parent value is lower than our current value, we swap them
        (heap[currentIndex.div(2)], heap[currentIndex]) = (_value, heap[currentIndex.div(2)]);
        // change our current Index to go up to the parent
        currentIndex = currentIndex.div(2);

    // RemoveMax pops off the root element of the heap (the highest value here) and rebalances the heap
    function removeMax() public returns(uint256){
        // Ensure the heap exists
        require(heap.length > 1);
        // take the root value of the heap
        uint256 toReturn = heap[1];

        // Takes the last element of the array and put it at the root
        heap[1] = heap[heap.length.sub(1)];
        // Delete the last element from the array
        heap.length = heap.length.sub(1);

        // Start at the top
        uint256 currentIndex = 1;

        // Bubble down
        while(currentIndex.mul(2) < heap.length.sub(1)) {
            // get the current index of the children
            uint256 j = currentIndex.mul(2);

            // left child value
            uint256 leftChild = heap[j];
            // right child value
            uint256 rightChild = heap[j.add(1)];

            // Compare the left and right child. if the rightChild is greater, then point j to it's index
            if (leftChild < rightChild) {
                j = j.add(1);

            // compare the current parent value with the highest child, if the parent is greater, we're done
            if(heap[currentIndex] > heap[j]) {

            // else swap the value
            (heap[currentIndex], heap[j]) = (heap[j], heap[currentIndex]);

            // and let's keep going down the heap
            currentIndex = j;
            // finally, return the top of the heap
            return toReturn;

    function getHeap() public view returns(uint256[]) {
        return heap;

    function getMax() public view returns(uint256) {
        return heap[1];

t4sk commented 3 years ago
  function heapSort(uint256[] storage self) public {
    uint256 end = self.length - 1;
    uint256 start = getParentI(end);
    uint256 root = start;
    uint256 lChild;
    uint256 rChild;
    uint256 swap;
    uint256 temp;
    while(start >= 0){
      root = start;
      lChild = getLeftChildI(start);
      while(lChild <= end){
        rChild = lChild + 1;
        swap = root;
        if(self[swap] < self[lChild])
          swap = lChild;
        if((rChild <= end) && (self[swap]<self[rChild]))
          swap = rChild;
        if(swap == root)
          lChild = end+1;
        else {
          temp = self[swap];
          self[swap] = self[root];
          self[root] = temp;
          root = swap;
          lChild = getLeftChildI(root);
      if(start == 0)
        start = start - 1;
    while(end > 0){
      temp = self[end];
      self[end] = self[0];
      self[0] = temp;
      end = end - 1;
      root = 0;
      lChild = getLeftChildI(0);
      while(lChild <= end){
        rChild = lChild + 1;
        swap = root;
        if(self[swap] < self[lChild])
          swap = lChild;
        if((rChild <= end) && (self[swap]<self[rChild]))
          swap = rChild;
        if(swap == root)
          lChild = end + 1;
        else {
          temp = self[swap];
          self[swap] = self[root];
          self[root] = temp;
          root = swap;
          lChild = getLeftChildI(root);
t4sk commented 3 years ago