CymChad / BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper

BRVAH:Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter
MIT License
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继承了BaseExpandNode,无法重写isExpanded, #3792

Closed sceneren closed 6 months ago

sceneren commented 11 months ago


    @Embedded val departDBInfo: DepartDBInfo,

    @Relation(parentColumn = "id", entityColumn = "parentId")
    val child: MutableList<DepartDBInfo>,
) : BaseExpandNode() {

    override var childNode: MutableList<BaseNode> = mutableListOf<BaseNode>()

    fun getItemType(): Int {
        return departDBInfo.type


编译报错 Non-existent columns are specified to be ignored in ignoreColumns: isExpanded public final class DepartDBInfo

chenfuxu920 commented 10 months ago

在实体类中添加 @Entity(ignoredColumns = ["isExpand"])