:lipstick: Tips only appears in the home screen, and not during the exercise, as the user needs to focus.
:see_no_evil: Better .gitignore.
:white_check_mark: First test (it is not a big deal).
Better fullscreen handling.
Added a widget for displaying a hotkey.
Added a widget to display multiple children one after the other (called Slideshow).
:art: Better Makefile format.
:sparkles: Enable fullscreen in mobile device
:lipstick: Better transition between pages.
:bug: :whale: Fix Docker image to accept the configuration file.
:green_heart: Remove useless env var in CI/CD workflow.
:bulb: Replace shortcode emoji to actual emoji in documentation using expand-emoji.
:bug: Fixed bug in Dockerfile with unbound shell variables.
:lipstick: Better navigation on :iphone: mobile devices and :globe_with_meridians: web app.
:bug: Fixed start button overflow: The size animation would sometimes be bigger than the available space. The fixed values have been replaced by computation that takes the available space as parameters.
Fixed #17.