It would be nice if the Satchel slots could be accessed from the hotbar by scrolling further than the hotbar ends. Alternatively, a way to swap the hotbar with Satchel inventory slots would be nice. This could be done with a hotkey, so that i.e. [ctrl] + [1] accesses the default hotbar, [ctrl] + [2] opens the first Satchel row, and [ctrl] + [3] opens the second Satchel row, if the Satchel has been upgraded.
It would be nice if the Satchel slots could be accessed from the hotbar by scrolling further than the hotbar ends. Alternatively, a way to swap the hotbar with Satchel inventory slots would be nice. This could be done with a hotkey, so that i.e. [ctrl] + [1] accesses the default hotbar, [ctrl] + [2] opens the first Satchel row, and [ctrl] + [3] opens the second Satchel row, if the Satchel has been upgraded.
Thanks for your consideration.