CynthiaLiu0805 / BridgeCorrosion

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Issue #2 VnV Plan: Section 4.1.1 #53

Closed FasilCheema closed 5 months ago

FasilCheema commented 5 months ago

Section 4.1.1 Input test models; similar to the previous test case I think specificity will help here. Since this is a physical system just vetting if negative numbers, strings, invalid types are entered is not enough; you need to ensure models that defy physical laws cannot be input. This may not be feasible (require too much work) so it would be best to state that you assume the users of this software will not input such parameters. I can see that you did allude to this with the tests but just a statement saying so would suffice.

CynthiaLiu0805 commented 5 months ago

I understand your concern, I made the statement after the subtitle of 4.1.1 Input Test - test_invalid_input "the dataset in the model are assumed to be valid and has been verified by their developers", so in the test models there will not be inputs that defy physical laws.