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Feature Request - [CUPS] #1456

Open WangSoybean opened 2 years ago

WangSoybean commented 2 years ago

I used UserLand in Matepad Pro, and installed the Ubuntu system. I want to use the CUPS function , and had successfully install it using the command sudo apt-get install cups. But it can not work.Maybe UserLand do not support the CUPS, I donot kwnon. Anyone can help me?

enforce-issue-templates[bot] commented 2 years ago

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Gajusbonus commented 2 years ago

in UserLAnd choose "Lxde → apps" VNCviewer from laptop: vnc via: yourphoneIP:5951 Open a terminal in the remote session and type: sudo /etc/init.d/dropbear start Now connect from your laptop to the phone using: ssh -p 2022 android@yourphoneIP

Paste the following commands to install CUPS. sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Install CUPS and other needed files: sudo apt install usbutils lpr jbigkit-bin imagemagick ghostscript inotify-tools cups libnotify-bin cups-daemon Add the user 'android' to the lpadmin group: sudo usermod -aG lpadmin android Start the CUPS service by this command: sudo /etc/init.d/cups start If CUPS fails to restart, reinstall the daemon then restart the service again. Now switch to the VNC-session and open the browser, browse to http://localhost:631 Click on the "admin" tab and select "allow remote administration" Click "Change settings" CUPS will now restart the server and.... Here the problem occurs: cannot open http://yourphoneIP:631 Normal behavior would be to access CUPS remotely, but CUPS runs on a different port '2631' So we solve this by browsing to http://yourphoneIP:2631 The next problem is: lsusb return error -99 So I cannot install my usb-printer.