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Help - [YOUR ISSUE HERE] #1874

Open AlanLinhares1 opened 6 months ago

AlanLinhares1 commented 6 months ago


Today I went to use fuser on the userland platform, and I came across this information. Everything that could be done I tried. I would like help from support to resolve this situation at the moment it looks like this

┌──(userland㉿localhost)-[~] └─$ fuser -h (((((( Cannot open /proc/net/unix: Permission denied )))))) Usage: fuser [-fIMuvw] [-a|-s] [-4|-6] [-c|-m|-n SPACE] [-k [-i] [-SIGNAL]] NAME... fuser -l fuser -V Show which processes use the named files, sockets, or filesystems.

-a,--all display unused files too -i,--interactive ask before killing (ignored without -k) -I,--inode use always inodes to compare files -k,--kill kill processes accessing the named file -l,--list-signals list available signal names -m,--mount show all processes using the named filesystems or block device -M,--ismountpoint fulfill request only if NAME is a mount point -n,--namespace SPACE search in this name space (file, udp, or tcp) -s,--silent silent operation -SIGNAL send this signal instead of SIGKILL -u,--user display user IDs -v,--verbose verbose output -w,--writeonly kill only processes with write access -V,--version display version information -4,--ipv4 search IPv4 sockets only -6,--ipv6 search IPv6 sockets only udp/tcp names: [local_port][,[rmt_host][,[rmt_port]]]

thank you in advance for your attention

enforce-issue-templates[bot] commented 6 months ago

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Thanks for your help in improving UserLAnd!

AlanLinhares1 commented 6 months ago


I'm having problems with the fuser, permission is denied, how can I solve this?