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Debian can not determine run level #225

Open JanuszChmiel opened 6 years ago

JanuszChmiel commented 6 years ago

Dear specialists, When I have installed Gnome desktop environment by typing sudo su apt-get update apt-get install task gnome There was some bug related to rc.d can not determine run level. I would like to know, if this error is critical and if it can have negative effect when running GTK based desktop environments such as LXDE or Gnome. Or if it is only cosmetic think, which is caused by The fact, that Userland is not standard Linux operating system. It is good idea to install Gnome, copy all screen content and fetch errors, because those errors can be used to improve Userland in general.

AdamMatthewLTM commented 6 years ago

@JanuszChmiel , Thanks for your post and sorry for the late response. There are some known issues regarding graphical environments I am currently in the process of testing. I am not sure if that particular error is critical or not, but I have not gotten around to testing dependency-heavy GUIs like gnome or KDE yet. Because this is related to gnome specifically, may I recommend this thread remain open for future issues regarding that desktop environment for the time being?

Thanks for your time and patience, -Adam

AdamMatthewLTM commented 6 years ago

Also to ensure others receive the appropriate search records, may I recommend changing the title of this post to include Gnome in it?

JanuszChmiel commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, this problem exists even installing simple app such as shellinabox when you will type sudo su apt-get update apt-get install shellinabox you will see one line with error can not determine The run level. I think, that on this simple app it would be good begin for debugging The cause of this problem. I Am appreciating yours complex work. Yours project is unique and when this issue will be overcomed, it will be good start for complex process, finding The cause of dbus errors.

AdamMatthewLTM commented 5 years ago

@JanuszChmiel ,

Just out of curiosity do you experience the same errors if you use apt instead of apt-get? Please let me know if you're still experiencing issues.

Thanks, -Adam

JanuszChmiel commented 5 years ago

Dear Adam, Unfortunately, I Am experiencing this issue even when I use apt install package name. Steps to reliably reproduce this problem. 1.Install latest .apk file produced by downloading source code of . Userland.

  1. create .apk by using Android studio.
  2. Install Debian distribution by giving section name Debian.
  3. After file system have been extracted and when You have set Userland to use SSH.
  4. Login to shell by typing userland password.
  5. Install dbus service by typing sudo apt update sudo apt install d-bus
  6. Type y to confirm The installation.
  7. Read The screen, you will see error related to determining The run level.
JanuszChmiel commented 5 years ago

Please do not change The title of this issue, since this error is related to various packages, not only to The Gnome. To have The insurance, I have compiled latest Userland, newer than The version from end of August, which is on Google Play store. I have latest stable Android studio even with latest NDK, so I can debug userland with you. I can send you PRoot_log protocol.