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Allow other VNC Apps #278

Closed kadrim closed 5 years ago

kadrim commented 5 years ago

I am Not to Happy with bVNC.

It would be nice if there was support for other VNC apps like real VNC

schoec1 commented 5 years ago

Hi @kadrim, I am using RealVNC (app is called "VNC Viewer" by RealVNC, version without any issues. All you have to do is install the app separately and configure it to use the vnc server running inside UserLand, i.e. connect to localhost: where is the port number of the vnc server.

kadrim commented 5 years ago

Thanks, i forgot to mention that (for others) - i am using it currently the same way.

But it bothers me, that when i startup the session, that it's always redirecting me to the playstore to download bVNC ;-)

So, yes, technically it's working, from the point of user friendliness it's sub-par. A simple solution would be some kind of checkbox, to ignore the missing bVNC app or better yet, detect other (well known) VNC apps like realVNC.

I really like the way it works for SSH which starts up juiceSSH.

Best regards

schoec1 commented 5 years ago

Ah, ok, got it ... so as a workaround you could use a ssh session and start the vnc server inside it manually instead of using a preconfigured vnc session in UserLAnd. This of course requires to install the vnc and desktop software by yourself, but it's a one time effort. Additional benefit: you can adjust the display resolution when starting the vnc server, e.g. vncserver -geometry 1920x1024; export DISPLAY=localhost:1; startlxde & Note: When the UserLAnd session is killed and you start vncserver again, it's using the next port number if you don't clean up /tmp/.X11-unix before starting

kadrim commented 5 years ago

good point! if used on a regular basis (like with samsung dex or sentio desktop) one should really startup the vnc server himself (or use something like spice).

AdamMatthewLTM commented 5 years ago

@kadrim ,

Thanks for your suggestion, and sorry for the delay since this should have been addressed sooner. At the moment I am researching using other VNC apps in various filesystems for UserLAnd. So we will incorporate the choice to pick different ones more smoothly in the short future. For the time being, please leave this thread open until the new filesystems and VNC clients are launched, and if a new issue crops up with them we'll go ahead and open a new thread for those clients specifically.

Thank you for your time and consideration, -Adam

nightHawk406 commented 5 years ago

You should add other ssh apps also.Connectbot has lot of issue with userland.