you did great work with this new version... can you please add something like termux-api have
------------------------See Blow-------------------------
termux-api have many features
termux-sms-send #send sms
termux-sms-list #inbox
termux-location #get current location
termux-tts #text to speech
termux-open termux-share #get any file and share it
termux-play #play music
and many more tools for automate mobile phone
We have planned to add support for camera and sensors, location and such, but that is pretty low on our list right now. This is a good idea though, it is just going to be a while.
you did great work with this new version... can you please add something like termux-api have ------------------------See Blow-------------------------
termux-api have many features
termux-sms-send #send sms termux-sms-list #inbox termux-location #get current location termux-tts #text to speech termux-open termux-share #get any file and share it termux-play #play music and many more tools for automate mobile phone -------------------------END------------------------