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Bug report - pulse_server is choppy on playback with pianobar (and probably other audio apps) #576

Open lewisdonofrio opened 5 years ago

lewisdonofrio commented 5 years ago

Describe the bug

When I play a station from pianobar inside ubuntu 18.04 I hear audio aftert I do the export display thing, but then audio is choppy

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

set export var in bash inside xfce4-terminal then run pianobar here is what is looks like

and here is what it sounds like...!AsBlZbBf72iNoMUNqV6ZGucx9D5uKA

Notice the cpu's overloaded or choppy gotta fix this!


If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

screenshot_20190130-192810_xserver xsdl

Device Information

Device: [Note8] Android Version: [Oreo, 8.0] UserLAnd Version [2.2.1] Build guide and photos at Whether the device is NOT rooted Whether the device is running Ubuntu inxi at

Additional context

Add any other context about the problem here.

corbinlc commented 5 years ago

Thank you for following the template and providing a lot of info. Adding sound support is not a high priority for us yet. The app that is actually listening to the fifo that pulse audio is writing is the XSDL server app, which we don't own. Please consider also filing a bug there. I will tell you when we get to looking at sounds support, but it will be some time.

lewisdonofrio commented 5 years ago

Did the sound recording help, it seems like it is working just like debug code or something is taking cpu cycles, I mean I work on this daily with my desktop and WSL and don't have sound working on that yet. but on this setup it seems to be working just like userland has wait states or something every second slowing not only playback of audio but overall use of this session....I mean it's usable just you can feel things start and I need to bug xdsl? cause that part seems to be working because I have sound....just way slow and way choppy...

lewisdonofrio commented 5 years ago

If XDSL is merged ( into UserLAnd then could we look into this on a whole project level to ensure that no debug wait states are active in production code (I need all the speed I can get because this is my daily driver at home - so you know that I run this project sooooo much....and pulse working without slow skipping/playing would be a godsend....) thank you for all you good folks do....without this project I'd be lost!!! really!!