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Feature Request - [Add RipMeApp] #659

Open udgtehsy opened 5 years ago

udgtehsy commented 5 years ago

Feature Request Solves:

Adding RipMeApp (RipMeApp on Github) would allow users of the app to bring it everywhere they bring their phones.

Proposed Solution:

A script thats similair to the one that installs GIMP, but this one installs the package "default-jre" and uses wget to get the RipMeApp jar file, then when you open the vnc session, it runs ripme.jar and it opens RipMeApp.

Describe alternatives you've considered


Additional context

I know that this can be done since I manually installed everything to get RipMe running, and as long as you have space for the rips, and you direct the java app to write to a directory that UserLAnd has permissions to, It'll work like a charm, its just that there could be an easier process for this app.

screenshot_20190222-153049_bvnc free

carbonatedcaffeine commented 5 years ago

And This Is Where I Come In... I Will Happily Add It For You If You Want...

udgtehsy commented 5 years ago

@EnderNightLord-ChromeBook Thanks!