Numerical model for simulating shallow water hydrodynamics on the GPU using an Adaptive Mesh Refinment type grid. The model was designed with the goal of simulating inundation (River, Storm surge or tsunami). The model uses a Block Uniform Quadtree approach that runs on the GPU but the adaptive/multi-resolution/AMR is being implemented and not yet operational. The core SWE engine and adaptivity has been inspired and taken from St Venant solver from Basilisk and the CUDA GPU memory model has been inspired by the work from Vacondio _et al._2017)
Model needs to implement the boundar condition only on blocks that are flagged as bnd.
right now it applies on the block that fall on the edges by searching through all the blocks which are the bnd ones.
it would be ,more efficient to doe this search once and for all at the start of the model and allpy the boundary at specified blocks.. (easy to implement)
also this should allow for more creative way of setting up boundaries
Model needs to implement the boundar condition only on blocks that are flagged as bnd.
right now it applies on the block that fall on the edges by searching through all the blocks which are the bnd ones.
it would be ,more efficient to doe this search once and for all at the start of the model and allpy the boundary at specified blocks.. (easy to implement)
also this should allow for more creative way of setting up boundaries