CyprienBosserelle / BG_Flood

Numerical model for simulating shallow water hydrodynamics on the GPU using an Adaptive Mesh Refinment type grid. The model was designed with the goal of simulating inundation (River, Storm surge or tsunami). The model uses a Block Uniform Quadtree approach that runs on the GPU but the adaptive/multi-resolution/AMR is being implemented and not yet operational. The core SWE engine and adaptivity has been inspired and taken from St Venant solver from Basilisk and the CUDA GPU memory model has been inspired by the work from Vacondio _et al._2017)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fix Spherical Grid capability (#78) #79

Closed CyprienBosserelle closed 11 months ago

CyprienBosserelle commented 1 year ago

Fix Spherical grid correction

Spherical grid capability has been shaky!. Added to a previous branch (#78) still had a serious bug. This may have been solved in the development branch. This branch tris to bring it all together and resolve any remaining bugs.




CyprienBosserelle commented 1 year ago

Check forcing in spherical mode

CyprienBosserelle commented 1 year ago

Does the Spherical code and the projected code produce similar results?

BG_Flood can run on a spherical grid or a crtesian (project) grid. One of the sanity check for validating the code is to run a similar simulation both in projected coordinate and in spherical coordinates

Comparing apples and oranges

because the calculations are somewhat different on a sphere then on a projected grid we can't really assume that both model produce exactly identical results. However we can check if thay are sensibly similar.

Samoa Tsunami test

The first test is using a constant resolution: 100 m in cartesian and 0.001 degree in spherical wich is 10ish % larger. As you can see theyr are comparable resolution but not exactly the same. secondly we use an adaptive run with the same criteria but that will lead to inconsistent grid resolution.

Adaptation = Inrange,-10.0,-5.0,zb;

Cartesian domain

UTM model


Spherical model


Adaptive domain

Here you can see that the small differences in the grid layout lead to different adaptation even though the original data is different

UTM model


Spherical model


Also working for Buttinger reconstruction


Runtime consideration

Using the example above we can compare whether there is an advantage of using the spherical vs the projected coordinate.

All the test are done on my NVidia Quadro P620.

Simulation Resolution Number of Blocks / nodes Runtime rt/block [s/block]
Projected cartesian (UTM) 200m 1250 / 320,000 310 0.25
Spherical cartesian 0.002 deg 1058 / 270,848 286 0.27
UTM adaptive 100-800m 433 / 110,848 132 0.30
Spherical adaptive 0.001-0.008 deg 375 / 96,000 143 0.38

As you can see the computational cost of using spherical grid is about 8% for a cartesian grid, which isn't much compared with the adaptivity cost (~20%). But the combined cost (adaptivity+spherical) is much more with 52% slower per block. That is because there are additional steps/calculation for adaptive run in spherical mode.


Corrections for spherical grids does what is expected for tsunami and essenytially produce the same results.

However, when running small domain in spherical grid you might end up spending more time in computation (>25%) then if you project your DEM in projected coordinate.

In many case, the spherical solution is the only way to simulate the hazard (e.g. trans-pacific tsunami). in this case, make sure you think about your adaptation strategy. if you can reduce the number of nodes to 40% less than a cartesian grid your model will run faster!

CyprienBosserelle commented 1 year ago

Verification of Atm Press forcing

Running a UTM and spherical model with similar forcing (projected to UTM to be as similar as possible) show that both models are essentially similar. Minor difference are due to refinement difference and possibly how we treat the roughness in spherical mode (?)





Verification of Wind forcing

As above they are both essentially similar:





CyprienBosserelle commented 1 year ago

River check

Spherical implementation should also work . We can compare the volume discharge from a river in a UTM grid vs from a Spherical grid. The table show that the simulated injected water is very similar to the theoretical volume. The errors here are likely due to the steep slope the water is injected to which causes mass to be imbalanced (see pic below). Theoretical volume injected UTM simulated volume Spherical simulated volume
1.2e6 1.1999e6 (-0.003%) 1.2002 (+0.02%)


CyprienBosserelle commented 1 year ago

Warm-starting with atmospheric pressure

During the investigation in veryfying atmospheric pressure we found some inconsistencies in the first few step in the model above. This is because the model is initialised with flat water and at the first step lifted/pushed by atmospheric pressure. In addition, boundaries are fighting against the atmospheric pressure forcing for a balance of boundary.

warm stating water level to match inverse Barometer forcing

I order to warm up the model one shouldn't use flat ocean as a warm up but instead use an inverse barometer calculation. image

Testing on steady state convergence

This seem easy enough and should improve the model convergence. But it doesn't! This is because the inverse barometer may be suggesting that water level is significantly higher/lower than the boundary is trying to acheive. After 10 or 20 minute the model ends up in a worse shape than the cold start. In the example below is modelled water level after 600s. The top panel is warm-started (see above image) but the boundaries left alone; in the lower panel the model is initiated with zero water level and boundaries are left alone. image

Inverse Barometer forcing on the boundary

If we warm start the model and modify the boundary to match the inverse barometer behaviour we do get rid of boundary generated waves and the model warm start brings it to pretty-much steady state situation. Below picture is as above where the top panel is the model after 600s with the inverse barometer forcing the warm start and the boundary. lower panel is the model after 600s with not inverse barometer forcing the warm start or the boundary.


Automating warm start and boundary forcing makes sense

Letting BG_Flood deal with the inverse barometer warm start and boundary adjustment makes a lot of sense because in most cases the modeller would have to generate those. There are no prescribed switch to turn this feature off at this stage but a modeller could hack their pressure forcing to avoid the problem. Modifying the value in a 3d Netcdf file is far easier than making inverse barometer adjusted boundaries.