Cysharp / MagicOnion

Unified Realtime/API framework for .NET platform and Unity.
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Add support for interface inheritance on StreamingHub #722

Closed mayuki closed 9 months ago

mayuki commented 9 months ago

This PR enables inheritance in StreamingHub interface definitions.

This allows for the consolidation of methods when multiple StreamingHub implementations need to have the same methods.

public interface IHeartbeatable
    Task PingAsync();

public interface IHeartbeatableReceiver
    void Pong();

public interface IChatHub : IStreamingHub<IChatHub, IChatHubReceiver>, IHeartbeatable
    Task SendAsync(string message);

public interface IChatHubReceiver : IHeartbeatableReceiver
    void OnMessage(string name, string message);
    void OnJoin(string name);

public interface IPollHub : IStreamingHub<IPollHub, IPollHubReceiver>, IHeartbeatable
    Task<(int Id, string Name)> GetSelectionsAsync();
    Task VoteAsync(int id);

public interface IPollHubReceiver : IHeartbeatableReceiver
    void OnCountUpdated(int id, int count);
public abstract class MyAppStreamingHubBase<THubInterface, TReceiver> : StreamingHubBase<THubInterface, TReceiver>, IHeartbeatable
    where THubInterface : IStreamingHub<THubInterface, TReceiver>
    where TReceiver : IHeartbeatableReceiver
    IGroup groupHeartbeatForSelf = default!;

    protected sealed override async ValueTask OnConnecting()
        groupHeartbeatForSelf = await Group.AddAsync($"Heartbeat-{Context.ContextId}");
        await OnConnectingCore();

    protected virtual ValueTask OnConnectingCore() => default;

    public Task PingAsync()
        return Task.CompletedTask;
var chatHub = await StreamingHubClient.ConnectAsync<IChatHub, IChatHubReceiver>(channel, chatReceiver);
var pollHub = await StreamingHubClient.ConnectAsync<IPollHub, IPollHubReceiver>(channel, pollReceiver);

await chatHub.PingAsync(); // IHeartbeatable.PingAsync
await pollHub.PingAsync(); // IHeartbeatable.PingAsync