Closed maonaoda closed 9 months ago
provides ErrorsChanged
This is an event for XAML Binding, but can also be subscribed to manually.
If you want to operate with Rx, you can convert this as a FromEvent
@neuecc Hi, I am using Maui,
Is that be subscribed manually like this?
Password = new BindableReactiveProperty<string>(string.Empty).EnableValidation(() => Password);
PasswordHasError =
Observable.EveryValueChanged(Password, x => x.HasErrors)
PasswordErrorMessage =
Observable.EveryValueChanged(Password, x => Password.GetErrors(null).OfType<ValidationResult>()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ErrorMessage)
ReactiveProperty`s using:
Password = new ReactiveProperty<string>(string.Empty).SetValidateAttribute(() => Password).AddTo(Disposables);
PasswordHasError = Password.ObserveHasErrors.ToReactiveProperty().AddTo(Disposables);
PasswordErrorMessage = Password.ObserveValidationErrorMessage().ToReactiveProperty().AddTo(Disposables);
First, R3 is not intended to port the full functionality of ReactiveProperty (more like ReactivePropertySlim, if anything). If that works, then it's good.
I added this method for myself. Thanks for your guidance.
public static class BindableReactivePropertyExtensions
public static Observable<bool> ObserveHasErrors<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return Observable.EveryValueChanged(source, x => x.HasErrors);
public static Observable<string?> ObserveValidationErrorMessage<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return Observable.EveryValueChanged(source, x => x.GetErrors(null)?.OfType<ValidationResult>()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ErrorMessage);
The above code is constantly executing, and I changed it to this (FromEvent
There are slight differences of the actual action with ReactiveProperty, but it does not affect the final effect.
Although BindableReactivePropertys
GetErrors` can be used directly in Xaml, other processing is required in our app.
PasswordHasError = Password.ErrorsChangedAsObservable()
.CombineLatest(PasswordUnfocused, (_, y) => (Password.HasErrors && y))
PasswordErrorMessage = Password.ErrorsChangedAsObservable().Select(_ => Password.GetErrorMessage())
public static Observable<(object? sender, DataErrorsChangedEventArgs e)> ErrorsChangedAsObservable<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return Observable.FromEventHandler<DataErrorsChangedEventArgs>(handler => source.ErrorsChanged += handler,
handler => source.ErrorsChanged -= handler).AsObservable();
public static string? GetErrorMessage<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return source.GetErrors(null)?.OfType<ValidationResult>()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ErrorMessage;
Since R3 v1.1.1 released, I changed to ObservePropertyChanged
to migrate form ReactiveProperty,
Because DataErrorsChangedEvent just is ErrorsChangedEvent.
public static Observable<bool> ObserveHasErrors<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return source.ObservePropertyChanged(x => x.Value)
.Select(_ => source.HasErrors);
public static Observable<string?> ObserveValidationErrorMessage<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return source.ObservePropertyChanged(x => x.Value)
.Select(_ => source.GetErrorMessage());
private static string? GetErrorMessage<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return source.GetErrors(null)?.OfType<ValidationResult>()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ErrorMessage;
May be v1.1.2 fixed Errors`s disappeance, that I can use FromEventHandler
May be v1.1.2 fixed Errors`s disappeance, that I can use FromEventHandler again ?
Thats right, use FromEventHandler instead of ObservePropertyChanged, since that ObservePropertyChanged will handel every value changed.
One more thing.
Because CombineLatest has the check of Value existence, when I use FromEventHandler like ↓,
Unless calling Password.ForceNotify();
manually after,the using of FromEventHandler will not have value at the first time.
and CombineLatest will not be excuted for the first time.
PasswordHasError = Password
.CombineLatest(PasswordUnfocused, (_, y) => (Password.HasErrors && y))
you ca use Prepend for initial value
Prepend is OK.
public static Observable<bool> ObserveHasErrors<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source)
return source
//.ObservePropertyChanged(x => x.Value)
.Select(_ => source.HasErrors)
public static Observable<string?> ObserveValidationErrorMessage<T>(this BindableReactiveProperty<T> source, string defaultError)
return source
//.ObservePropertyChanged(x => x.Value)
.Select(_ => source.GetErrorMessage())
Prepend is OK.
Take back this statement as .Prepend(defaultError);
won`t set inner errors.
so previouslyHasErrors is false, but i want it is true.
reuse ForceNotify() finally~
I knew that R3 it the next ReactiveProperty,
Since there are no ObserveHasErrors, How do I need to express it using R3? It that Password.ErrorsChanged ?
PasswordHasError = Password.ObserveHasErrors.CombineLatest(PasswordUnfocused, (x, y) => x && y).ToReactiveProperty().AddTo(Disposables);
※There is also ObserveValidationErrorMessage