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About CanExecute of ReactiveCommand #169

Closed kimk-s closed 3 months ago

kimk-s commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your libraries!

I expected the Assert below to pass, but it failed. Can you please check if the Assert is correct?

var log = new List<string>();

var c = new ReactiveCommand<Unit>();
c.Subscribe(_ => log.Add("Executed"));



Debug.Assert(log.Count == 0);
neuecc commented 3 months ago

I see, it seems to behave differently from UniRx. In many framework implementations of ICommand, CanExecute and Execute were not linked together. The behavior follows that pattern. For determining whether execution is possible, please use the result of CanExecute (bind to enable/disable).

kimk-s commented 3 months ago

Your answers helped me a lot. Thank you very much for the explanation!