Amazing library!
I've found one weird thing. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but ReactiveProperty will ignore changes to its value if the changes happen based on the value pre-subscription.
example bellow
using R3;
using UnityEngine;
public class AsyncTest : MonoBehaviour
private readonly ReactiveProperty<int> a = new();
private void Start()
var d = Disposable.CreateBuilder();
a.Do(v => Debug.Log($"a {v}")).Do(v =>
if (v < 20)
a.Value += 1;
}).Subscribe().AddTo(ref d);
Debug.Log($"a == 1: {a.CurrentValue == 1}"); // this should be 20, not 1!
a.Value = 0; // this
Debug.Log($"a == 20: {a.CurrentValue == 20}"); // this is correct
Amazing library! I've found one weird thing. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but ReactiveProperty will ignore changes to its value if the changes happen based on the value pre-subscription.
example bellow