Cysu / open-reid

Open source person re-identification library in python
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The need for maintaining standard Market1501 evaluation set splits? #16

Open huanghoujing opened 7 years ago

huanghoujing commented 7 years ago

Hi, Tong Xiao. I found that your splitting of the evaluation set of Market1501 is different from the standard manner.

In your splits, the statistics look as follows:

Market1501 dataset loaded
  subset   | # ids | # images
  train    |   651 |    11387
  val      |   100 |     1549
  trainval |   751 |    12936
  query    |   750 |    16483
  gallery  |   751 |    19281

While the standard one looks like:

Market1501 dataset loaded
  subset   | # ids | # images
  train    |   651 |    11387
  val      |   100 |     1549
  trainval |   751 |    12936
  query    |   750 |     3368
  gallery  |   751 |    15913

The difference resides in the number of query and gallery images. In your partitioning, for each query id, the query set gathers all its images. While in the standard partitioning, for each query id, only some selected images (at most one image for one camera) are placed in the query set.

It makes some difference in the evaluation results. In the triplet loss example, using the same trained model, the open-reid way of partitioning gives results:

Mean AP: 67.6%
CMC Scores    allshots      cuhk03  market1501
  top-1          42.7%       70.1%       84.5%
  top-5          59.3%       91.0%       94.0%
  top-10         67.2%       95.0%       96.5%

while on the standard eval splits, it gives:

Mean AP: 66.5%
CMC Scores    allshots      cuhk03  market1501
  top-1          44.0%       70.0%       82.5%
  top-5          61.9%       91.1%       93.0%
  top-10         69.9%       95.1%       95.7%

May I ask whether it's just your original intention or it's a little mistake?

After diving into your code, I made some modification to the reid/datasets/ and let it do the standard splitting:

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import os.path as osp
import numpy as np

from import Dataset
from ..utils.osutils import mkdir_if_missing
from ..utils.serialization import read_json
from ..utils.serialization import write_json

# Added
def _pluck(identities, indices, relabel=False):
  """Extract im names of given pids.
    identities: containing im names
    indices: pids
    relabel: whether to transform pids to classification labels
  ret = []
  for index, pid in enumerate(indices):
    pid_images = identities[pid]
    for camid, cam_images in enumerate(pid_images):
      for fname in cam_images:
        name = osp.splitext(fname)[0]
        x, y, _ = map(int, name.split('_'))
        assert pid == x and camid == y
        if relabel:
          ret.append((fname, index, camid))
          ret.append((fname, pid, camid))
  return ret

class Market1501(Dataset):
  url = ''
  md5 = '65005ab7d12ec1c44de4eeafe813e68a'

  def __init__(self, root, split_id=0, num_val=100, download=True):
    super(Market1501, self).__init__(root, split_id=split_id)

    if download:

    if not self._check_integrity():
      raise RuntimeError("Dataset not found or corrupted. " +
                         "You can use download=True to download it.")


  def download(self):
    if self._check_integrity():
      print("Files already downloaded and verified")

    import re
    import hashlib
    import shutil
    from glob import glob
    from zipfile import ZipFile

    raw_dir = osp.join(self.root, 'raw')

    # Download the raw zip file
    fpath = osp.join(raw_dir, '')
    if osp.isfile(fpath) and \
            hashlib.md5(open(fpath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() == self.md5:
      print("Using downloaded file: " + fpath)
      raise RuntimeError("Please download the dataset manually from {} "
                         "to {}".format(self.url, fpath))

    # Extract the file
    exdir = osp.join(raw_dir, 'Market-1501-v15.09.15')
    if not osp.isdir(exdir):
      print("Extracting zip file")
      with ZipFile(fpath) as z:

    # Format
    images_dir = osp.join(self.root, 'images')

    # 1501 identities (+1 for background) with 6 camera views each
    identities = [[[] for _ in range(6)] for _ in range(1502)]
    def register(subdir, pattern=re.compile(r'([-\d]+)_c(\d)')):
      fnames = [] ######### Added. Names of images in new dir.
      fpaths = sorted(glob(osp.join(exdir, subdir, '*.jpg')))
      pids = set()
      for fpath in fpaths:
        fname = osp.basename(fpath)
        pid, cam = map(int,
        if pid == -1: continue  # junk images are just ignored
        assert 0 <= pid <= 1501  # pid == 0 means background
        assert 1 <= cam <= 6
        cam -= 1
        fname = ('{:08d}_{:02d}_{:04d}.jpg'
                 .format(pid, cam, len(identities[pid][cam])))
        shutil.copy(fpath, osp.join(images_dir, fname))
        fnames.append(fname) ######### Added
      return pids, fnames

    trainval_pids, _ = register('bounding_box_train')
    gallery_pids, gallery_fnames = register('bounding_box_test')
    query_pids, query_fnames = register('query')
    assert query_pids <= gallery_pids
    assert trainval_pids.isdisjoint(gallery_pids)

    # Save meta information into a json file
    meta = {'name': 'Market1501', 'shot': 'multiple', 'num_cameras': 6,
            'identities': identities,
            'query_fnames': query_fnames, ######### Added
            'gallery_fnames': gallery_fnames} ######### Added
    write_json(meta, osp.join(self.root, 'meta.json'))

    # Save the only training / test split
    splits = [{
      'trainval': sorted(list(trainval_pids)),
      'query': sorted(list(query_pids)),
      'gallery': sorted(list(gallery_pids))}]
    write_json(splits, osp.join(self.root, 'splits.json'))

  # Added
  def load(self, num_val=0.3, verbose=True):
    splits = read_json(osp.join(self.root, 'splits.json'))
    if self.split_id >= len(splits):
      raise ValueError("split_id exceeds total splits {}"
    self.split = splits[self.split_id]

    # Randomly split train / val
    trainval_pids = np.asarray(self.split['trainval'])
    num = len(trainval_pids)
    if isinstance(num_val, float):
      num_val = int(round(num * num_val))
    if num_val >= num or num_val < 0:
      raise ValueError("num_val exceeds total identities {}"
    train_pids = sorted(trainval_pids[:-num_val])
    val_pids = sorted(trainval_pids[-num_val:])

    self.meta = read_json(osp.join(self.root, 'meta.json'))
    identities = self.meta['identities']

    self.train = _pluck(identities, train_pids, relabel=True)
    self.val = _pluck(identities, val_pids, relabel=True)
    self.trainval = _pluck(identities, trainval_pids, relabel=True)
    self.num_train_ids = len(train_pids)
    self.num_val_ids = len(val_pids)
    self.num_trainval_ids = len(trainval_pids)

    # Added
    query_fnames = self.meta['query_fnames']
    gallery_fnames = self.meta['gallery_fnames']
    self.query = []
    for fname in query_fnames:
      name = osp.splitext(fname)[0]
      pid, cam, _ = map(int, name.split('_'))
      self.query.append((fname, pid, cam)) = []
    for fname in gallery_fnames:
      name = osp.splitext(fname)[0]
      pid, cam, _ = map(int, name.split('_')), pid, cam))

    if verbose:
      print(self.__class__.__name__, "dataset loaded")
      print("  subset   | # ids | # images")
      print("  ---------------------------")
      print("  train    | {:5d} | {:8d}"
            .format(self.num_train_ids, len(self.train)))
      print("  val      | {:5d} | {:8d}"
            .format(self.num_val_ids, len(self.val)))
      print("  trainval | {:5d} | {:8d}"
            .format(self.num_trainval_ids, len(self.trainval)))
      print("  query    | {:5d} | {:8d}"
            .format(len(self.split['query']), len(self.query)))
      print("  gallery  | {:5d} | {:8d}"
            .format(len(self.split['gallery']), len(

If it's your original intention, just ignore my issue, and IMHO, you may add some notes in the doc.

Thank you again for your code!

Cysu commented 7 years ago

Thank you very much for pointing out this issue! For Market-1501 and DukeMTMC, our current code choose query according to the person IDs, rather than the images. This could have more query images than originally defined, and indeed causes a mismatch with the official evaluation settings. However, the difference between our evaluation setting and the official one is usually less than 1% mAP according to my test. And arguably splitting by person IDs is better IMHO.

Nevertheless, your solution is really good, but I think we might need to do a bit more for a new split protocol that works for all the datasets. I think one way is to store the filenames directly to split.json. I will soon figure out a way to use exactly the official settings on these two datasets. Thanks again for the suggestion!

huanghoujing commented 7 years ago

Nice explanation, now it makes sense to me that more queries means better averaging and leads to more stable evaluation results.

And my quick and rough modification to the Market1501 class is only for my own verification (I used the open-reid API functions in another experimental project with standard Market1501 eval splits), so it's not universal at all :)

Thanks for your kind help!

liangbh6 commented 6 years ago

@Cysu @huanghoujing Hi, I maintain standard Market1501 evaluation set splits and train the model with the setting of TriNet(i.e. one GPU, 18 identities x 4 instances/id), but I get rank1 78.5%. Could you give me some suggestions on reproducing the results of TriNet with open reid?

huanghoujing commented 6 years ago
liangbh6 commented 6 years ago

I have tried to increase the number of identities and got a better rank1, but I have the doubt that if I want to utilize the reproduced result for comparison, Is it proper to use more identities?

huanghoujing commented 6 years ago

Maybe I did not understand your requirements. You want to reproduce the results of paper In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification? If it's true, you have to keep those important details the same as in the paper, e.g.

liangbh6 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I want to reproduce the results of the paper you mentioned. Seems that a longer training time help sometimes. Thanks a lot!