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Wrong Optimized Network Contraction Order #440

Closed Chan-Sing-Hong closed 2 days ago

Chan-Sing-Hong commented 3 months ago

I have encountered a problem when setting the optimized network contraction order using Cytnx version 0.9.7. The attachment is a demo code demonstrating the issue:

The T tensor and its dagger are rank-4 tensors with dimension chi for each bond:

               0                           2
         ┌─────┘                           └────┐
         │ ┏━━━╳━━┓                    ┏━━━╳━━┓ │
         └─┨      ┃                    ┃      ┠─┘
      1 ───┨   T  ┠─── 2          0 ───┨  T.d ┠─── 3
           ┃      ┠─┐                ┌─┨      ┃
           ┗━━━━━━┛ │                │ ┗━━━━━━┛
               ┌────┘                └─────┐
               3                           1

Below, I use the network:

              │                │
        ┌─────┘                └────┐      
        │ ┏━━━╳━━┓         ┏━━━╳━━┓ │
        └─┨      ┃         ┃      ┠─┘
     0 ───┨  Tu  ┠───102───┨ Tu.d ┠───2
          ┃      ┠─┐     ┌─┨      ┃                    ┏━━━╳━━┓ 
          ┗━━━━━━┛ │     │ ┗━━━━━━┛               0 ───┨      ┠─── 2
        ┌────103───┘     └────104───┐      -->         ┃ TOUT ┃
        │ ┏━━━╳━━┓         ┏━━━╳━━┓ │             1 ───┨      ┠─── 3 
        └─┨      ┃         ┃      ┠─┘                  ┗━━━━━━┛
     1────┨  Td  ┠───105───┨ Td.d ┠────3
          ┃      ┠─┐     ┌─┨      ┃
          ┗━━━━━━┛ │     │ ┗━━━━━━┛
              ┌────┘     └─────┐
              │                │


net = cytnx.Network()
net.FromString(["Tu  : 101,0,102,103",
                "Td  : 103,1,105,106",
                "Tu.d: 102,104,101,2",
                "Td.d: 105,106,104,3",
                "TOUT: 0, 1; 2, 3"])

For this network, the optimized contraction order should be ((Tu, Tu.d), (Td, Td.d)), with

However, when using Network.setOrder(optimal=True), the contraction order provided is ((Tu, Td), (Tu.d, Td.d)), with

Additionally, kernel crash happens by manually changing the contraction order by setting Network.setOrder(optimal=False, contract_order=((Tu,Tu.d),(Td,Td.d))).

yingjerkao commented 3 months ago

I believe the network optimizer using dynamic programming might have a bug. @j9263178 also encountered a similar issue. I propose to replace it with the algorithm used in Uni10 in this paper Phys. Rev. E 90, 033315 (2014) or

kaihsin commented 3 months ago

The algorithm is ported from uni10 tho

yingjerkao commented 3 months ago

Uni10 implemented the algorithm in the PRE paper.

jeffry1829 commented 4 days ago

Should be fixed now