D-Mielewczyk / euro-temperature-trend-stats

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Write a Project Report Using Markdown #12

Open D-Mielewczyk opened 3 weeks ago

D-Mielewczyk commented 3 weeks ago

Create a comprehensive project report using Markdown. The report should include the technologies used, any problems encountered during the project, a detailed description of the code, and the final analysis of the data. This report will serve as the documentation of the project's progress, challenges, outcomes, and the functionality of the code.


  1. Technologies Used:

    • Detail all the technologies, tools, and frameworks used in the project (e.g., AWS EMR, Apache Spark, Python, Plotly).
    • Provide brief descriptions of how each technology was utilized.
  2. Problems Encountered:

    • Document any challenges or issues that arose during the project.
    • Include details on how these problems were addressed and resolved.
  3. Code Description:

    • Provide a comprehensive description of the codebase.
    • Explain the functionality of each major script and module.
    • Include code snippets and examples where necessary to illustrate key points.
  4. Final Analysis:

    • Summarize the final analysis and results of the project.
    • Include key findings and insights gained from the data analysis.
    • Provide visualizations and interpretations of the results.
  5. Markdown Formatting:

    • Ensure the report is well-structured and formatted using Markdown.
    • Use appropriate headings, bullet points, and tables to organize the content.


Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Notes:

By completing this task, you will provide a thorough and well-documented summary of the project, highlighting the technologies used, challenges faced, a detailed description of the code, and the final results of the analysis.

D-Mielewczyk commented 3 weeks ago

Blocked by #10

SamePinchy commented 2 days ago

Added .md file on my branch, pull request