D-Mielewczyk / euro-temperature-trend-stats

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Plan and Document Plot Types and Axis Details for Temperature Change Visualizations #5

Closed D-Mielewczyk closed 4 days ago

D-Mielewczyk commented 3 weeks ago

Develop a detailed plan and documentation for the visualizations that will be created to show temperature changes over time. This plan should identify the types of plots to be used and specify how each data axis should be configured. This will help in writing the necessary queries to extract the required data for each plot.


  1. Identify Plot Types:

    • Determine the most appropriate types of plots for visualizing temperature changes (e.g., line plots, bar charts, heatmaps).
  2. Detail Axis Configurations:

    • Define the data to be used on each axis for every plot.
    • Specify axis labels, units, and scales (e.g., linear, logarithmic).
  3. Documentation:

    • Create a detailed document outlining the planned visualizations.
    • Include a description of each plot, the data it will display, and the rationale for choosing that plot type.
    • Provide examples or sketches of the expected visualizations.


Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Notes:

Example of Documentation Structure:

Visualization Plan Document

  1. Introduction

    • Purpose of the visualizations
    • Overview of the data being visualized
  2. Plot Types and Descriptions

    • Line Plot:
      • Purpose: To show temperature trends over time for selected areas.
      • X-Axis: Time (Years)
      • Y-Axis: Temperature (°C)
      • Details: Each line represents a different area.
    • Bar Chart:
      • Purpose: To compare temperature changes between different areas.
      • X-Axis: Areas
      • Y-Axis: Temperature Change (°C)
      • Details: Bars represent the magnitude of temperature change for each area.
    • Heatmap:
      • Purpose: To visualize temperature changes across a geographic grid.
      • X-Axis: Longitude
      • Y-Axis: Latitude
      • Details: Colors represent the degree of temperature change.
  3. Axis Configurations

    • Line Plot:
      • X-Axis: Time (Years), Range: 1980 - Present, Scale: Linear
      • Y-Axis: Temperature (°C), Range: Variable based on data, Scale: Linear
    • Bar Chart:
      • X-Axis: Areas, Categorical
      • Y-Axis: Temperature Change (°C), Range: Variable based on data, Scale: Linear
    • Heatmap:
      • X-Axis: Longitude, Range: Based on dataset, Scale: Linear
      • Y-Axis: Latitude, Range: Based on dataset, Scale: Linear
  4. Data Queries

    • Queries needed to extract data for each plot type.
    • Example SQL or PySpark queries.
  5. Conclusion

    • Summary of the visualization plan.
    • Next steps and considerations for implementation.

This detailed plan will guide the creation of the visualizations and ensure that all necessary data is correctly extracted and displayed.

D-Mielewczyk commented 3 weeks ago

Not blocked at all, you can start working on this issue.