D-Mielewczyk / euro-temperature-trend-stats

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Write PySpark Queries to Prepare Data for Planned Visualizations #6

Closed D-Mielewczyk closed 3 days ago

D-Mielewczyk commented 3 weeks ago

Develop PySpark queries that will extract and prepare the necessary data for the visualizations detailed in the documentation. These queries should align with the planned plot types and axis configurations, ensuring that the data is correctly formatted and ready for visualization.


  1. Review Visualization Plan:

    • Refer to the documentation that outlines the planned visualizations, plot types, and axis configurations.
  2. Develop PySpark Queries:

    • Write PySpark queries to extract and transform the data for each specific plot type.
    • Ensure that the queries handle any necessary data cleaning, aggregation, and formatting.
  3. Test Queries:

    • Test the PySpark queries to ensure they correctly prepare the data.
    • Validate the output data to ensure it aligns with the expected structure and content for each visualization.
  4. Document Queries:

    • Document each query, explaining its purpose and how it prepares the data for the respective plot.
    • Include comments within the code to clarify each step of the query.


Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Notes:

D-Mielewczyk commented 3 weeks ago

Blocked by #2

D-Mielewczyk commented 5 days ago

and #5