D-Mielewczyk / euro-temperature-trend-stats

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Host Documentation Using GitHub Workflows and MkDocs-Material #9

Open D-Mielewczyk opened 2 weeks ago

D-Mielewczyk commented 2 weeks ago

Set up GitHub workflows to host project documentation using MkDocs with the Material theme. Additionally, organize existing .md files and update the README to provide clear instructions on how to add new documentation files.


  1. Set Up MkDocs with Material Theme:

    • Configure MkDocs to use the Material theme for documentation.
    • Ensure all necessary dependencies and configurations are in place.
  2. GitHub Workflows:

    • Create and configure GitHub workflows to automatically build and deploy the MkDocs documentation to GitHub Pages.
    • Ensure the workflow triggers on pushes to the main branch.
  3. Organize Existing Documentation:

    • Review and organize any existing .md files to fit within the MkDocs structure.
    • Ensure all files are correctly linked and accessible from the documentation homepage.
  4. Update README:

    • Provide clear instructions in the README on how to add new documentation files.
    • Include guidelines on file naming conventions, directory structure, and updating the MkDocs configuration.


Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Notes:

D-Mielewczyk commented 2 weeks ago

Not blocked at all, you can start working on this issue.

D-Mielewczyk commented 2 weeks ago

Pro100wnick1 Max Nadir reserved this issue, but is not assgined yet.