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Creating an eHRAF 'society set' in D-PLACE #247

Open kirbykat opened 5 years ago

kirbykat commented 5 years ago

Rationale for including eHRAF as a society set in D-PLACE:

Both D-PLACE 1.0 and 2.0 were linked to eHRAF where possible. However, we felt eHRAF should be included in D-PLACE as a stand-alone 'society set' for a number of reasons:

Steps taken to link eHRAF to D-PLACE

Much of the work linking HRAF to D-PLACE datasets was done by the HRAF team, and in publications such as Ember (2007). However, this early work did not (generally) attempt to de-aggregate HRAF cases that described multiple language or cultural groups. eHRAF cases also were not linked to glottocodes or to latitude/longitude coordinates, limiting the ease with which eHRAF could be combined with the linguistic phylogenies and environmental data that are corner stones of D-PLACE. To prepare eHRAF for inclusion in D-PLACE we thus:


References Ember, C. 2007. Using the HRAF Collection of Ethnography in Conjunction with the Standard Cross-Cultural Sample and the Ethnographic Atlas. Cross-Cultural Research 41: 396.

SimonGreenhill commented 4 years ago

@kirbykat - what would this take to complete?

kirbykat commented 4 years ago

I estimate 2.5 days. It is a case of "the last 2%" of the work. It is very close to done.