D-X-Y / Awesome-AutoDL

Automated Deep Learning: Neural Architecture Search Is Not the End (a curated list of AutoDL resources and an in-depth analysis)
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ICLR 2020 Paper #12

Closed JaminFong closed 4 years ago

JaminFong commented 4 years ago

Hi Xuanyi, We have a NAS related paper in ICLR 2020, 'Fast Neural Network Adaptation via Parameter Remapping and Architecture Search'. Paper: https://openreview.net/forum?id=rklTmyBKPH Code: https://github.com/JaminFong/FNA We wonder if it is OK to add this paper. Thank you!

D-X-Y commented 4 years ago

Nice work and congrats to your ICLR paper. I just added it.

JaminFong commented 4 years ago

Thank u so much!