D00Med / farlands

Steampunk/fantasy themed subgame with dinosaurs
29 stars 11 forks source link

Development discussion #1

Closed D00Med closed 7 years ago

D00Med commented 7 years ago

To-do list https://github.com/D00Med/minetestia/projects/1

how to make a pull when you clone the repository(you'll need github desktop), you can then open it on your computer, and make some changes. Then you need to do this: capture github-windows://openRepo/https://github.com/D00Med/minetestia

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also for the savannah I would like to have baobab trees

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Yes, that'd be awesome!

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med And for the desert i would like to have more plants anny i deas?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med maybe those small cactus plants you added to your more plants mod

D00Med commented 7 years ago

hmm, maybe some larger dead bushes or bushes growing between rocks. And also rocks xD I was thinking, the coconut inside leaves looks a bit odd, should I make a model for it? Ok

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also the aloe vera and agave cactus would be cool

D00Med commented 7 years ago

So just to check, palmtrees will be generated in jungles and on beaches?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago


hmm, maybe some larger dead bushes


or bushes growing between rocks

Yes (but the model shuld be simple 5 cubes max)

And also rocks xD


tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

I was thinking, the coconut inside leaves looks a bit odd, should I make a model for it?

Yes but make it Simple one cube is Enough

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Can you make the jungle ground textures? Also is it going to be grass or leaves or just mud?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

So just to check, palmtrees will be generated in jungles and on beaches?


D00Med commented 7 years ago


tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

Can you make the jungle ground textures? Also is it going to be grass or leaves or just mud?

It will be grass with leafs

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok then

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also is the small cactus in the more plants mod suppose to represent the golden barrel cactus

D00Med commented 7 years ago

:] nope just a little cactus. Most of the plants in moreplants are just things I made up

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med Also for jungles we can have kapok trees

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Yes, that'd be awesome!

D00Med commented 7 years ago

The jungletrees are nice btw

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med i did my best with them it was really hard to make because I couldn't focus on anything in particular ( a jungle has so much difrent tree species) also it's a recicle of the palm tree textures

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med we shuld Keep a to-do list On The Top Of the conversation

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Yes. screenshot_20170115_071527

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med what have you done with the sun gezz that face XD

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I wanted to say that we need a new character.png I know you used your skin but I think we need a more generic one

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Oh oops, sorry I forgot I had my own skin in there :'D I just copied my copy of minetest game

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago


tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I want to make the character Skin Together but how ( Maybe we can do something like I make the shirt and pants and you to the face?)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

Or the other way around

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Sounds good to me. I made a place to organise our list of things to do: https://github.com/D00Med/minetestia/projects/1

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med nice

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Can you send the velociraptor models?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med yes give me a sec

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago


D00Med commented 7 years ago


tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also dount make this skin a random texture make it a new velociraptor with fethers velociraptor feathers

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also for the jungle grass just add the block and just coppy the normal grass texture I will fix it later

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok then. Alright then.

D00Med commented 7 years ago

I'm going now, I have things to do before the weather gets too hot. Bye

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago


tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med dirt with jungle grass needs new textures (i ment just duplicate the defoult textures but give them a new name)

+minetest.register_node("mapgen:dirt_with_junglegrass", {

i hope thats correct

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

also the plant with the dick in it is the dicksonia (for jungles)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med flame lily texture for jungles flame lily

it may need a redo (is it good?)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med bdw im working on baobab textures now

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med baobab tree textures baobab leves baobab leves baobab sapling baobab sapling baobab tree top baobab tree top baobab tree baobab tree baobab wood baobab wood also baobab fruit but can you make a texture for that?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med sloth sloth.zip

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also can you have texture overlays if mobs get hurt (i whant them to have these anime stile things with there eyes like this the punsh bag his eyes get a black outline and the eye it self get shanged to white also his moth opens but that shuld not be done)

elephant hurt overlay elephant adoult hurt

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

velociraptor hurt velociraptor hurt small fish hurt small fish hurt sloth hurt sloth hurt

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med can you make the jungle ground look like this? jungle ground

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

yellow ipe leves yellow ipe leves yellow ipe sapling yellow ipe sapling yellow ipe tree top yellow ipe tree top yellow ipe tree yellow ipe tree yellow ipe wood yellow ipe wood

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med for the yellow ipe you only need to add the sapling and make it work in mapgen (they shuld genarate in forests) i added the other blocks