D00Med / mobs_scifi

A Minetest mod that adds scifi themed mobs
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new and maybe better scifi_metroid texture #3

Closed tobyplowy closed 7 years ago

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago


D00Med commented 7 years ago

Thankyou for this! I'm not happy with the quality of the mod at the moment so I'm thinking of remaking a lot of the modes, including the metroid.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I think I should Focus More on Minecraft Style Keep the cubes perfect cubes and Keep the resolution of The textures low (try to Keep the pixels on the model Around The Same size of a 16 by 16 block Texture pixel in The game) your uv map should be Around 128x128 maximum but Only for Big models. keep in Mind This is My Idea of a good Quality Model

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med with otther words Keep all your models Made out of cubes only cubes but don't do this https://www.physicsforums.com/attachments/irregular-trapezoidal-cube-jpg.39977/ Keep all sides of the Cube equal in size

D00Med commented 7 years ago

I agree! I try to do that with my other mobs. I want to texture the models similar to the way I did in my vehicles mod, which uses textures that are mostly 512x512.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med yes but your vehicles are very detailed I know that Sounds weird but for a game like minetest that's a lot of detail (Again it Should Only be made out of cubes)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I have an example of a Xenomorph someone made for Minecraft http://i.imgur.com/6Dwzbtp.png http://i.imgur.com/JUnMXOn.png It is Only Made out of cubes and it Looks really awesome also I know this is a bit off topic XD

D00Med commented 7 years ago

True, I'll try to make the textures smaller. I don't like the textures to bleed over the corners though, and it is harder to avoid on a small texture. But it's fine for things like animals and monsters which wouldn't normally have 90 corners and flat surfaces. They're cool aren't they? I did have a reason for not using plain cubes for mine, but I can't remember what it was.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med yes your Models Are amazing it's better than what I can do (i suck at modeling But i Have my Moments XD) can I have a try at making a metroide model

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med Also anotther tip trie to Limit The amount of cubes you use (Only use whats needed)

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Sure, I'd be interested to see. I want to try making a new one with a partially transparent texture, do you know if that is possible? I didn't think it was, but there are some transparent meshes in the homedecor mod. Yes I will certainly try to do that

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I'm not a programmer I'm A "artist" I don't know What's Possible with Minetest engine but I tried a transparent texture on The model you made for the Metroid and it didn't work so I don't know, it would look a lot Better tho :)

D00Med commented 7 years ago

high five me too, well I do programming too obviously. Yeah it doesn't work just with the texture, I think it needs to have something changed on the model. I'll let you know if I succeed.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med here I have a metroide model keep in mind that this is a test texture and also the website isn't displaying correctly https://sketchfab.com/models/4890fd970ca44faba2d52f6756a32cfe

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Looks good! I'm attempting to make a transparent one https://s13.postimg.org/rh24m2yon/myattempt.png

D00Med commented 7 years ago

It doesn't work in the game though

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I like how you put 2 cubes inside of each other to make it look more detailed nice Idea :)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med By the way Did You Know i Made my model with sketchup XD

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also you forgot to add the small teeth he has four of them two big ones and 2 small ones http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/metroid/images/d/d8/Metroid4_07.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/275?cb=20100322225155

So I'm Willing to help with textures for blocks and Models If You are interested of course :D

D00Med commented 7 years ago

I saw some of your other models, they are very nice. Yes you are right, I think the mod needs a hybrid between your model and mine. On the subject of models, yesterday I tried making a better quality model: https://s14.postimg.org/ne30qho0x/fdfd.png Based on this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-G1dEacfk6nM/T2LWuYnejkI/AAAAAAACLv8/xQW5MRhpMLc/s1600/1.jpg I used only blocks like you suggested(apart from the shields on the shoulders), but the texture is 512x512. It has taken me 8 hours to make, and I still have to finish texturing it O_O Do you think it is worth the effort? Help would be very much appreciated, but I'd prefer it if you used the same software as me so that I can make adjustments, can you use blender?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med pardon My language but your model is fucking AWESOME it's perfect it was definitely Worth Every second minute and hour (in case You didn't understand that It's a really high quality model Nice work!)

also I just used blender for the first time I'm still learning it but I can make a model out of cubes but That's All I can do, I cannot uv unwrap and I can just make cubes and scale them XD

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I Made this facehugger model with all the skill i have in blender (as you can see it's not much) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ammw1yWbBi3R4B4Zo_onWuSYO-Da Problems about the thing I made the model is not 100% symmetrical and I just copy-pasted everything but maybe it's useful to you in some way

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med if you are interested in using the facehugger model you can use it for whatever you want as long as you give me credit for it of course :) also I would recommend the texture map to be 32x32 pixels (it's a very small model so it doesn't need a Lot of detail)

D00Med commented 7 years ago

That model looks really really nice! I will definitely use it in the mod

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med is your robot finished I Can't wait to see How It Looks whin its done

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I made a new model this time it's a gun I just did it for the fun of it to test my skill maybe you can use it https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ammw1yWbBi3R4CHvQ_2lz2E-XxWu

also shuld i Keep making Models like this or are These not useful to you?

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Nice model! They are useful, but I suggest you only make models that you would want to use even if I didn't. It'd be a shame if you made one and I (really) didn't want to put it in my mod. Yep it's finished, not as a mob yet, but as a vehicle: https://github.com/D00Med/vehicles/tree/assault-suit

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med do you have any models I should make?

D00Med commented 7 years ago

:] hmmm nothing comes to mind. Do you think you could do a better version of the "Iron Giant" model?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I can try, keep in mind I cannot Texture it i cant add bones

D00Med commented 7 years ago

That's no problem, I can do both

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med again off topic but I think If the sci-fi node Builder was a 3D printer that Would Be amazing :)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also of topic another thing I Wanted to ask are you still working on the The Legend Of minetest

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Yes that'd be really really cool! Not really, but there seems to be interest in it lately so I might update it a bit. I'm trying to concentrate my efforts on finishing my mods for now.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med if you do continue the loz mod can I help with it also I think there's a couple of mods that don't really fit the game :/

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok, which ones do you think are out of place?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med to be Clear im talking about the legend of minetest mod These are the mods I think You're out of Place Farming+ The bace content from mobs redo X-decor (a bit straige But i can understand Why you Did It)

Also Another problem is the textures they are not consistent Some are 32x32 others are 16x16

And Maybe If You are Willing to do that make the mobs out of cubes (you know what i Mean I've explained it a couple times already) if you can get the same quality as you did with your robot model well that would be insane But also Nice XD

keep in mind I really appreciate your work You're awesome and Maybe You're one of the best minetest moders Out there But sush I don't want to start a war

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok. Farming_redo is in there for something else to do, and personally I think the standard farming mod is a bit boring. Fair enough about mobs_redo. Yes the textures are a bit of a problem. That's a good idea! Actually, the mobs in that game are the first I ever made, so they could definitely benefit from being re-made. Haha thanks :D

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med again I'm willing to help with models and textures for lomt (the legend of minetest) Because I haven't said it enuf XD

( what is the game aiming for is it all loz games or Only a couple)

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Well it'd be great if you could do a model of this http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/zelda/images/2/27/Stallord.png/revision/latest?cb=20100107003651 It's meant to be a bit of a mixture, and something else entirely.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure If my skill allows me To do that But a Challenge Is Always fun (also This If from Twilight princess isent it Will midna de added too (she's my favorite character from the game)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also a small thing Will you put The download on GitHub instead of that website

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok then, yeah have fun. That's a good idea! Yes definitely, I've been meaning to do so for a while.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I tried making that model but it's pretty much impossible I don't have the skill for it i just spend 3 hours trying to do it sorry dat i cant do it :/

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ah ok, well thanks for trying. I noticed something strange about your facehugger model. I joined all the cubes into one object(a requirement for animating it), but afterwards I noticed it still has a separate material and texture for every cube on the model. How did you do this? It's not good because it makes the blender file messy. But it can be fixed.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I just copy-pasted the standard Cube that's there when you start the program and i scaled and stretched it

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med can i make a midna model?

D00Med commented 7 years ago

O.o that's a bit odd then. Sure, but this time, can you use the "create" button in the tools tab instead of copying the base cube?

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med Can I copy pacte the Cube that is Made From The add menu?

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Yes I think so

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med body is Done now face