D00Med / nodebox_trees

Minetest mod that replaces tree trunks
2 stars 1 forks source link

stuff for custom nodebox mod #1

Open tobyplowy opened 7 years ago

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

i will post stuff here so i dount have to go of topic on the legend of minetest

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med can you add aspen bace, acacia bace, and jungle bace?

D00Med commented 7 years ago

What do you suggest for the tree bases? The bases aren't that much different anyway.

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med just like the otther ones extend the bottem

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

also can you move the water lilly up a bit it is doing weard stuff at the botom

the texture is flikkering

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok. Yes I will

D00Med commented 7 years ago

https://s24.postimg.org/m3o0gd5rp/screenshot_20161227_122601.png Can you see the hovering green lines? could you make a texture with lilypads 1px smaller in diameter? that would fix the problem (tested in lom)

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med default_acacia_leaves_simple default_acacia_leaves_simple default_leaves_simple default_leaves_simple

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med i made some alternative recolors these can be put in the download

alternative recolors.zip

D00Med commented 7 years ago

why are those textures for simple leaves? Ok then

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med becouse bushes use them

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Oh ok

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med can you try to improve the flower on top of the water lily

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Yes, what do you think of the one in the subgame? I fixed a few things with the model yesterday, for some reason a few faces showed up dark. Some still do but I couldn't fix them

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I Will Take a look at It later ( I was mainly busy making custom trees today)

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok :D

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med im not done yet but can you add these alreddy

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago


D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok I will

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also do the trees look nice?

D00Med commented 7 years ago

I will check them now

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I'm so excited to hear what you think about them Please Don't Be Scared to give feedback

D00Med commented 7 years ago

They look really nice! I'm glad you made them tall too, more like real trees than the default trees

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med yes I made them big because it's more realistic I hate those weird small trees you get in minetest/Minecraft it's like Trees Stay small Forever :/

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med also about the jungle is it Possible to use the jungle Trees and normal Trees aka oak

D00Med commented 7 years ago

yeah. Yes it is

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

Amazing I can't wait to see what this looks like in game ( probably a lag fest XD )

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med can you make the saplings generate the new trees?

D00Med commented 7 years ago

I don't think it will actually make more lag. Yes I will make sure they do. I'm finishing the darknut model at the moment though

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med oh crap I forgot to add the sword to the model :/

D00Med commented 7 years ago

No problem, I'm adding it now

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med thanks You're Amazing

D00Med commented 7 years ago

lol, say that after you see what the sword is like :'D

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med oh boy Should I already get My OCD triggered

D00Med commented 7 years ago

well the model is simple enough so that you can improve the sword if you don't like it. https://s24.postimg.org/6frv6fop1/darknut.png

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med it's ok

D00Med commented 7 years ago

It's a very professional looking model by the way, I like the way you did the armor on the shoulders

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med thank you ( if we ever make a second game and the theam is Fantasy) than you will see some Real Stuff

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med hint hint ;)

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Haha xD

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

I'm going to sleep now See you tomorrow hopefully ( also will the new trees Be Ready tomorrow?)

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Ok then, goodnight. Yes I will do them after the darknut

D00Med commented 7 years ago

Finished. The trees seem a lot thicker than usual though

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med The Trees Look Amazing But can you decrease the Number of trees with generate? around 40% less shuld do it

Also Is it Possible to make Them randomly rotate Once They are generated so they are even More randomized

And can you also add the other random bushes thers Only 1 Of The 4 bushes Which generates

D00Med commented 7 years ago

I don't really understand how perlin noise works, but I will try to make the trees mire scarce. I don't think so. I will be adding the other bushes

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med thanks

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med I also did some stuff for the legend of minetest

D00Med commented 7 years ago

yeah just having a look now

tobyplowy commented 7 years ago


tobyplowy commented 7 years ago

@D00Med you also forgot to remove the grass on some of the jungle trees and the results are interesting

D00Med commented 7 years ago

oops 😅