D00Movenok / BounceBack

↕️🤫 Stealth redirector for your red team operation security
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I have a error in port 80 #11

Closed Dazmed707 closed 5 months ago

Dazmed707 commented 5 months ago

I have an error on port 80, I am using gophish already executed in tmux, any way to resolve if gophish is using it, or change the port to another?

I'm going to try changing the local port in the config



D00Movenok commented 5 months ago

Just check what is using port 80 using netstat -tulpn and then rebind it.

After changing the local port in the config, it looks like you are not saving it because of the logs ;)

Dazmed707 commented 5 months ago

I have this results with netstat -tulpn


i resolved with this command sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop


won't this command affect gophish? sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop

I have conflct install bounceback install in server evilginx 3

server not configure bounceback is good, with bouceback install evilginx send this error

D00Movenok commented 5 months ago

This project is not a support for your gophish and evilginx infra setup. If you need support for this tools - ask their own authors.

However, if you don't know basics about deploying this tools, it's better to read the docs before asking. It's also better to understand how the network works and then try to configure network services. If you think that I must resolve your basic network issues without trying to understand it by yourself - you'r a script kiddie.

For better understanding of networks you may read this book: https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Networks-Global-Andrew-Tanenbaum/dp/1292374063 https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Networks-Principles-Technologies-Protocols/dp/0470869828