D0n9X1n / hexo-blog-encrypt

Yet, just another hexo plugin for security.
MIT License
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npm push was unsuccessful. #207

Closed f-dong closed 1 year ago

f-dong commented 1 year ago

如图所示,昨天提交的 PR#206,似乎在推送 npm 时发生了异常,导致没有成功推送,辛苦作者闲暇时,再次推送一次,万分感谢✌️

Regarding the figure shown, it seems that an exception occurred during the npm push of the submitted PR#206 yesterday, resulting in an unsuccessful push. Kindly, when the author has some leisure time, please request them to reattempt the npm push. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!✌️


D0n9X1n commented 1 year ago

v3.1.8 pushed.