D3DEnergetic / FIDASIM

A Neutral Beam and Fast-ion Diagnostic Modeling Suite
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Line intersection with the passive neutral grid bug fix #175

Closed alvin-garcia closed 5 years ago

alvin-garcia commented 5 years ago


Please merge this into master. Thank you.

lstagner commented 5 years ago

Your fix assumes that the starting point is always going to be outside the plasma.

lstagner commented 5 years ago

additionally you are not actually calculating the intersection length of the LOS with the passive grid but with the plasma. It would be better to just take your time and find the edge case that caused the old version to fail.

alvin-garcia commented 5 years ago


After modifying the new version a bit, the check for the starting point is reinserted and the issue with the edge condition is solved. Unless you have another comment, this branch is ready to be merged into the master branch.


alvin-garcia commented 5 years ago
