DAGWorks-Inc / burr

Build applications that make decisions (chatbots, agents, simulations, etc...). Monitor, persist, and execute on your own infrastructure.
BSD 3-Clause Clear License
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Wire through "parent app ID" when forking an application's state #185

Closed skrawcz closed 1 week ago

skrawcz commented 2 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. We can now fork state. We should track where it came from more explicitly.

Describe the solution you'd like It would be nice to see in the UI what you forked from. TBD whether the state persisters need to know about this.

Options / things to consider

Additional context Conversations can end up being trees in certain cases if we allow human in the loop, people going back in time, debugging, etc. How do we keep track of it all?

elijahbenizzy commented 1 week ago

189 completes this