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Python scripts for processing ROS odometry data into a CSV file with experiments annotated. #123

Closed mshalm closed 4 years ago

mshalm commented 4 years ago

Two scripts for processing motion data captured as ROS odom messages stored in a rosbag:

apriltag_csv.py is a python script that converts the .bag format data into CSV time series data directly without post-processing. process_dynamics.py is a python script that converts a .bag into full-state data for block tossing experiments by

  1. Running apriltag_csv.py;
  2. Using scipy interpolation tools to differentiate the raw pose data;
  3. Using scipy signal tools to low-pass filter the resulting velocity data;
  4. Detecting + labeling the starting & ending timestamps for the various tosses contained in the rosbag.

Both scripts were tested on real tossing data.