DAMPEEU / DmpTools

Miscellaneous tools written for the DAMPE experiment
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HEskimmer: simplify date constraints #29

Open zimmerst opened 6 years ago

zimmerst commented 6 years ago

The skimmer currently reads the parameter.txt file which stores info like

### Dates to process
year_start      2016
year_end        2017
month_start     1
month_end       12
day_start       1
day_end         31

These variables are read out in:

-rwxr-x--- 1 dampe_prod dampe  4208 Dec 11 13:50 check_files.bash
-rwxr-x--- 1 dampe_prod dampe  2461 Dec  4 13:58 check_skimmed_files.bash
-rwxr-x--- 1 dampe_prod dampe  4048 Dec 11 13:50 get_file_lists.bash
-rwxr-x--- 1 dampe_prod dampe  6769 Nov 30 14:49 get_summary.bash
-rwxr-x--- 1 dampe_prod dampe  3907 Dec  4 14:00 make_summary_plot.bash

with a preamble that looks like this

year_start="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep year_start | awk '{print $2}'`"
year_end="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep year_end | awk '{print $2}'`"
month_start="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep month_start | awk '{print $2}'`"
month_end="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep month_end | awk '{print $2}'`"
day_start="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep day_start | awk '{print $2}'`"
day_end="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep day_end | awk '{print $2}'`"
for year in $(seq $year_start $year_end)
    for month in $(seq $month_start $month_end)
    month=`printf "%02d" ${month}`
    if [ ! -d ${dir} ]; then continue; fi

    cd ${dir} > /dev/null

    for day in $(seq $day_start $day_end)

However, in this way, one can only skim one year at a time. So for instance, if one needed/wanted to re-skim with a more recent release, one would need to skim at least 2x, once for the completed years and once for the started year. This should be reviewed. A potential way to simplify things could be to replace the above block:

year_start="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep year_start | awk '{print $2}'`"
year_end="`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep year_end | awk '{print $2}'`"

with something akin to:

year_start=${skimmer_year_start:-"`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep year_start | awk '{print $2}'`"}
year_end=${skimmer_year_end:-"`cat ../../parameters.txt | grep year_end | awk '{print $2}'`"}

this way, if the variables ${skimmer_year_start} and ${skimmer_year_end} exist they will be taken, otherwise the parameter file will be read out. In this way, a cron job could simply iterate through these variables and skimmer jobs can be dispatched on an automatic basis.