DAMPLAB / damplab-aquarium

The Aquarium Lab Operating System
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[FEATURE] - Unified File System API to Read/Write Files from Protocols #21

Open rkrishnasanka opened 4 years ago

rkrishnasanka commented 4 years ago

Please identify the user roles that your feature request relates to? Instance maintainer

What is the task you want to perform? Simplified File System API to switch between local/AWS/whatever else to read/write files using a single set of functions that switches context in the backend.

What is the goal you want to achieve with the feature? This will make it possible for whoever is making the protocols to easily read/write files to the filesystem without having to bother the maintainer of the infrastructure.

If this exists then it'll be good to point us to this documentation

bjkeller commented 4 years ago

The conversations with DAMP lab developers about files that they can read/write within Aquarium made me question why they were doing it. It just seems like a bad idea.

Certainly, working with the local file system is probably what got you into the resource problems you were having in 2019. It is better to assume there is no file system.

Can you go back to the root story that leads to this being a possible implementation?

rkrishnasanka commented 4 years ago

@bjkeller I kind of agree with that. While it might take me some time to narrow down the root story, I believe there are two kinds of files that need to stored with Aquarium from my conversations with the folks at DAMP:

  1. Multimedia files that highlight that are associated with the protocol description
  2. Data/code files generated during the experiment

I'll talk to folks about this and update you on it. Is there any chance for me to look at the epics/stories that you folks have that would help me understand more of the dev roadmap you have? I can talk to the rest of the DAMP based on that.

bjkeller commented 4 years ago

Masha was originally telling me that she wanted to somehow attach python code. I think this had to do with using code for the OT-2 interface. This probably should be done some other way.

Otherwise, the two situations you mention are already handled inside of Aquarium.