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DAOrayaki Bounty | Task | Surviving Mars(This is for test) #161

Open Will-Holden opened 2 years ago

Will-Holden commented 2 years ago

Title: DAOrayaki Bounty | Task | Surviving Mars 截止日期: 4/3/2022 委员会审核: 4/4/2022-4/7/2022 类型: 英文原创文章 要求:

从下面的链接中获得灵感,写一篇关于火星上可能存在的生命以及我们未来如何在火星上生存的原创文章。例如:火星上的发现,我们现在拥有的技术,我们面临的挑战,我们需要做什么等等。 可以从其他地方收集信息,不要抄袭。同时,不少于2000字。期待这篇文章: 链接:https://www.space.com/nasa-mars-habitable-herox-competition 赏金: 100U

Title: DAOrayaki Bounty | Task | Surviving Mars Deadline: 4/3/2022 Committee Decision: 4/4/2022-4/7/2022 Type: English original article Description:

Inspired from the link below, write an ORIGINAL article about life might be on Mars before and how we can survive on Mars in the future. tips: discovery on Mars, what technology we have now, challenge we are facing, what we need to do, etc. You can collecting information from everywhere but do NOT copy. with some good picture is prefered. Also no less than 2000 words. Looking forward to this article。 Link:https://www.space.com/nasa-mars-habitable-herox-competition Bounty: 100U