Title: DAOrayaki | Incentivized Governance or Institutional Bribery in Web3?
Deadline: 4/15/2022-4/17/2022
Committee Decision: 4/18/2022-4/23/2022
Description: English to Chinese;
4/15/2022-4/17/2022 is the creator's translation time, that is, creators need to submit before 4/17 ;4/18/2022-4/23/2022 is the committee review and voting time.
link: https://blog.aragon.org/incentivized-governance-or-institutional-bribery-in-web3/
Bounty: 50u
Title: DAOrayaki | Incentivized Governance or Institutional Bribery in Web3? Deadline: 4/15/2022-4/17/2022 Committee Decision: 4/18/2022-4/23/2022 Description: English to Chinese; 4/15/2022-4/17/2022 is the creator's translation time, that is, creators need to submit before 4/17 ;4/18/2022-4/23/2022 is the committee review and voting time. link: https://blog.aragon.org/incentivized-governance-or-institutional-bribery-in-web3/ Bounty: 50u