Title: DAOrayaki |Is the Metaverse Drifting into Anarcho-Capitalism?
Deadline: 4/27/2022-4/30/2022
Committee Decision: 5/1/2022-5/4/2022
Description: English to Chinese;
4/27/2022-4/30/2022 is the creator's translation time, that is, creators need to submit before 4/30 ;5/1/2022-5/4/2022 is the committee review and voting time.
link: https://medium.com/digital-landowners-society-dls/is-the-metaverse-drifting-into-anarcho-capitalism-f8b4741fd06d
Title: DAOrayaki |Is the Metaverse Drifting into Anarcho-Capitalism? Deadline: 4/27/2022-4/30/2022 Committee Decision: 5/1/2022-5/4/2022 Description: English to Chinese; 4/27/2022-4/30/2022 is the creator's translation time, that is, creators need to submit before 4/30 ;5/1/2022-5/4/2022 is the committee review and voting time. link: https://medium.com/digital-landowners-society-dls/is-the-metaverse-drifting-into-anarcho-capitalism-f8b4741fd06d Bounty:65u