DAOrayaki / DAOrayaki-Bounty

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DAOrayaki | Task|How Quantum Computer Technology Will Impact Cybersecurity and How IT Leaders Should Respond? #198

Open asqwasweer opened 2 years ago

asqwasweer commented 2 years ago

Title: DAOrayaki | How Quantum Computer Technology Will Impact Cybersecurity and How IT Leaders Should Respond?  Deadline: 5/12/2022   Committee Decision: 5/13/2022-5/15/2022   Description: English to Chinese; 5/10/2022-5/12/2022 is the creator's translation time, that is, creators need to submit before 5/13 ;5/13/2022-5/15/2022 is the committee review and voting time.   link: https://cloudsecasia.medium.com/how-quantum-computer-technology-will-impact-cybersecurity-and-how-it-leaders-should-respond-ed46782f3b0e Bounty:55u

hahaho21 commented 2 years ago

hahaho will do this bounty.

bagusbrajamusti commented 2 years ago

Answer : Quantum Computer Technology, will make powerfull security due to it has own algoritma and its different classical computer. Changing and saving database will more faster than classical computer. IT Leaders can make more clear and good decision, because a lot of data can process by A.I and make good predicting. IT Leader will make less failure decition and make more work done. "This work begins with designing pseudocode for Grover algorithm. Then, the design will be implemented by using Quantum Computer Language. After that, there will be several test to know how many qubits and iterations needed for the searching process, also to know how minimum and maximum the size of elements in the database that can be hold by the program". link : https://jiki.cs.ui.ac.id/index.php/jiki/article/view/227