DAOrayaki / DAOrayaki-Bounty

DAOrayaki Bounty Repository
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DAOrayaki |bounty| Quantum Computing is the “Manhattan Project” of This Generation #288

Open asqwasweer opened 2 years ago

asqwasweer commented 2 years ago

Title: DAOrayaki | Quantum Computing is the “Manhattan Project” of This Generation  Deadline: 6/11/2022   Committee Decision: 6/12/2022-6/14/2022   Description: English to Chinese; 6/8/2022-6/11/2022 is the creator's translation time, that is, creators need to submit before 6/12 ;6/12/2022-6/14/2022 is the committee review and voting time.   link: https://medium.com/@russfein/quantum-computing-is-the-manhattan-project-of-this-generation-bcabfdd3f103 Bounty:40u

Zhixuan0318 commented 2 years ago

Tan Zhi Xuan#7032 will do this bounty