Wrapper for DKPro Core to extract lingustic information from books.
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missing chunker-de-default.properties in new installation of v4.6 #28

Open andrewufrank opened 7 years ago

andrewufrank commented 7 years ago

i installed and can run the default configuration. if i try to enable the more complex analysis (enable dependency or ConstituencyParser) i get the error message:

Exception occurred See ddw.log for more details.
ERROR: Exception occurred See ddw.log for more details.
ERROR: Processing failed for file: EffiBriestKurz.txt, Message: null, Cause: Unable to load resource [classpath:/de/tudarmstadt/ukp/dkpro/core/opennlp/lib/chunker-de-default.properties]: 
FileNotFoundException: No file found at [classpath:/de/tudarmstadt/ukp/dkpro/core/opennlp/lib/chunker-de-default.properties]

Please make sure that [de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.opennlp-model-chunker-de-default] is on the classpath.

i do not have a file called chunker-de-default.properties

i have installed the treetagger but are not certain what the treetagger.properties should be. i have (linux):

# This is an example how the treetagger can be used for POS and Lemma annotation
posTagger =  de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.treetagger.TreeTaggerPosTagger
posTaggerArguments = executablePath,string,/home/frank/additionalSpace/AF_amd_install/germanNLP/bin/tree-tagger,\

# Treetagger adds lemmas, no need for an additional lemmatizer
useLemmatizer = false

what is wrong? (i have not installed openNLP - i did not find instructions to do so. should I?).

thank you for the help! andrew

thvitt commented 7 years ago

Ad chunker-de-default.properties – I was not able to reproduce that exact error. Were there any other error or warning messages? Note that not all components support all languages (you would typically see a warning about missing models). Could you provide the exact configuration that produced the error?

TreeTagger is the only component that needs to be installed manually (due to licensing restrictions), everything else is either bundled (software) or downloaded automatically (models). Its modelLocation parameter should point to …/german.par