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[new resource]: Clustering and Visualising Documents using Word Embeddings #1096

Open charlottejmc opened 5 months ago

charlottejmc commented 5 months ago

Title of the resource

Clustering and Visualising Documents using Word Embeddings

Resource type

External Resource

Authors, editors and contributors

Jonathan Reades, Jennie Williams, Alex Wermer-Colan, Quinn Dombrowski, Barbara McGillivray

Topics (keywords)

DH, Open Education, Open Access, data visualisation, machine learning, python, network analysis

Learning outcomes

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:


This lesson uses word embeddings and clustering algorithms in Python to identify groups of similar documents in a corpus of approximately 9,000 academic abstracts. It will teach you the basics of dimensionality reduction for extracting structure from a large corpus and how to evaluate your results.

VickyGarnett commented 5 months ago

Hi @charlottejmc - these people are all in the system, so you can continue to draft the resource :)