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[new resource]: Corpus Analysis with spaCy #1097

Open charlottejmc opened 2 weeks ago

charlottejmc commented 2 weeks ago

Title of the resource

Corpus Analysis with spaCy

Resource type

External Resource

Authors, editors and contributors

Megan S. Kane, Maria Antoniak, William Mattingly, John R. Ladd

Topics (keywords)

DH, Open Education, Open Access, data manipulation, distant reading, python

Learning outcomes

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:


This lesson demonstrates how to use the Python library spaCy for analysis of large collections of texts. This lesson details the process of using spaCy to enrich a corpus via lemmatization, part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, and named entity recognition. Readers will learn how the linguistic annotations produced by spaCy can be analyzed to help researchers explore meaningful trends in language patterns across a set of texts.

VickyGarnett commented 2 weeks ago

HI @charlottejmc - I've sent you a query message re Megan S. Kane in that pull request, if you could take a look at that. Once we have that resolved this should be OK to continue to draft :)