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the content model of def about to change in the TEI #152

Open bansp opened 2 years ago

bansp commented 2 years ago

This is a heads up concerning issue https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/1800 , which results in a modification of the content model of <def> by allowing <usg> as a child. There is at least one example there that suggests that it might be the proper move and a more philosophical point provided by Christian-Emil, which it might be tempting to dismiss from the position occupied by Lex0, but then, it is sometimes not entirely clear what that position is exactly, and how much of a lexicographer's freedom it needs to constrain, so... just do have a look, please. Another thing is the technical way of implementing the change, and one of the options that were considered appears to come in the scope of issue #38 .

ttasovac commented 1 year ago

This was not changed in TEI.

@anacastrosalgado can you please paste here images of astrolabio and telescopio... we can then provide to TEI-C.

anacastrosalgado commented 1 year ago

Dear @ttasovac and all:

Here are the two examples, ASTROLABIO and TELESCOPIO, from MORAIS dictionary (1789, 1st edition):

<entry xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="MOR1.DLP.ASTROLABIO" type="mainEntry" xml:lang="pt">
   <form type="lemma">
   <metamark function="lemmaDelimiter">,</metamark>
      <gram type="pos" norm="NOUN">ſ.</gram>
      <gram type="gen">m.</gram>
   <sense xml:id="MOR1.DLP.ASTROLABIO.s.1">
      <usg type="domain" corresp="#domain.astronomy" resp="#Salgado"/>
      <def>inſtrumento Aſtronomico,
         de que ſe uſa para ſe tomarem a altura dos
      <cit type="example" xml:lang="pt">
         <usg type="socioCultural">f.</usg>
         <bibl type="attestation" source="#PS.">
            <title>Paiva Serm.</title>
            <citedRange unit="volume">I</citedRange>
            <citedRange unit="folium">f. 54</citedRange>
         <metamark function="exampleDelimiter">,,</metamark>
         <quote>Porque não vos governará por eſſe voſſo aſtrolabio</quote>
<entry xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="MOR1.DLP.TELESCOPIO" type="mainEntry" xml:lang="pt">
   <form type="lemma">
   <metamark function="lemmaDelimiter">,</metamark>
      <gram type="pos" norm="NOUN">ſ.</gram>
      <gram type="gen">m.</gram>
   <sense xml:id="MOR1.DLP.TELESCOPIO.s.1">
      <usg type="domain" corresp="#domain.astrology" resp="#Salgado"/>
      <def>inftrumento óptico de
         Aftronomia que ferve de obfervar na terra , ou
         no Ceo os objectos remotos, por meio da reflexão
         , ou refracção da luz</def>